Mikaela's Moon
i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Have you Ever
by Brandy
Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever
Have you ever been in love
Been in love so bad
You'd do anything to make them understand
Have you ever had someone steal your heart away
You'd give anything up to make them feel the same
Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart
But you don't know what to say
And you don't know where to start
Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever
Have you ever found the one
You've dreamed of all your life
You'd do just about anything to look into their eyes
Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to
Only to find that one won't give their heart to you
Have you ever closed your eyes and
Dreamed that they were there
And all you can do is wait for that day when they will care
Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever
What do I gotta do to get you in my arms baby
What do I gotta say to get to your heart
To make you understand how I need you next to me
Gotta get you in my world
'Cuz baby I can't sleep
Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever
* i definitely have...*
Monday, November 29, 2004
The Vampire Schedule...
I'm back in the
graveyard shift, at last. Had to come in to work early because I had training at 4:30pm. I was awake at 11:30am when Raymund left for work. Couldn't sleep after that...
I was almost late for my training because I chit chatted with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law before I left.
"Mom" had new bags and wallets that she sells, and I looked at them. Found a wallet that I wanted to buy for my mom. I also got a blue bag to match my blue sneakers (from "Mom"), and I also got a
Louis Vitton umbrella. My umbrella is broken, and I had to buy one coz it is raining hard today...
"Mom" said she'd be happy to teach me how to
cook, coz Raymund and I are getting
married soon. Hehehe...I'm kinda shy to have her teach me...but I guess I don't really have a choice. Have to learn to cook for
my love...
I haven't had a call yet, and it's already 7:30pm. Things are slow today. I guess it's because it's still early.
Raymund said he'd wait for me at 2am later and we'll go home together.
Not much to say...I'm getting sleepy...
Sunday, November 28, 2004
The Aftershock Party
Right after my shift yesterday, I met up with Nell and we headed off to the mall after dropping off my stuff at her pad. First stop is to get a pedicure since we both planned on wearing sandals for the party. It was weird because the salons we went to had a long waiting list, and it's usually not like that on a Sat evening. We couldn't afford to wait long coz I still had to go shopping. We managed to find a salon that has no waiting list...but the prices were a nightmare! We couldn't back out coz it was embarassing to do so since we were already sitting there...
After the expensive pedicure, we went to
Landmark and went sandals-shopping first. I was looking for a pair of white sandals that's both sexy but not too formal, something I can wear with casual clothes and party clothes...Finally found one, and it fits perfectly! haha! After paying for that, we passed by a blouse that was just so cute we had to stop. Tried it on, and off we went to buy a denim skirt. I've been planning to buy a miniskirt for a long time now, and finally I have the excuse to buy it...heheh...Nell made a stop at a shoe store in
Glorietta and I fainted! I felt a sudden wave of dizziness that I just slumped to the floor on my knees. I bumped my thigh on the shelf..ouch. The salesladies were very nice, offering me water and asking me over and over if I was ok...I will go back to that store in the future and buy shoes because those ladies were just so nice...and they had very nice shoes too.
Next stop is
SM Department Store. Went straight to the
VMV counter, and tried on the
Lip and Cheek Tint in Debutante. It was the last one there! Lucky me. Bought lip gloss...and then we had dinner...We were both so hungry. It was 9pm when we finished shopping, and party starts at 10pm.
It was 11:30pm when Nell and I made it to the party. It was awesome...My old friends were there, and it was fun. A lot of dancing and drinking. I was having so much fun that I didn't realize I had 5 glasses of
vodka kurant...Yummmm...Raymund was drunk too...haha! Glasses shattered and body shots were caught in film...Can't wait to see the pics. We consumed 7 rolls of film...yikes.
We went home at 3:30am. Slept over at Nell's pad...Raymund went to work at 6am, and I had work at 5pm. Woke up at 9am when Workforce called me asking me if I could come to work 2 hours before my shift. Told them I'll try, but I slept agin and woke up at 11:30am.
Nell and I had take out lunch from
McDonalds, and watched tv. Raymund came by at around 3:30pm and then left after taking a shower...
I'm now here at work, and I am sooooo sleepy. Log out time at 2am. I'll just take a cab home and get some sleep. I still have to wake up early tom afternoon for training at 4:30pm.
I enjoyed myself last night. It has been a long time since I got
drunk with my friends from my old job. It was fun to see my former colleagues and bosses...hehehe. They invited me to the company's
Christmas Party on the 11th. haha!
Intruder!!! They have a carnival theme this year. Nell is planning to be a gypsy...I still don't know what I'll be...clown maybe? haha! Raymund and the gang will be performing again, to keep their title as the champion...hope they win.
I'm planning to go half day on
Tuesday, to watch Raymund's gig in
Malate with
Mike and
Mark from
Dominion. I haven't seen him play onstage before. Hope my leave gets approved
Anyways, my head aches...probably hangover...but I'm happy with my new makeup thing and new shoes, and new clothes...wehehehe...i think I'll take a nap while there are no calls...zzz...
Saturday, November 27, 2004
I'm so relieved that my salary arrived yesterday. Thank you!!!
I am also very happy because my good friend Nell agreed to come along to the Aftershock party later on tonight. So after my shift later, she will accompany me to the mall to go
SHOPPING!!! Yahoo! I am going to buy makeup (
VMV Lip and Cheek Tint and
VMV eyeshadow), a pair of white sandals, and a denim mini skirt. =) I'm daydreaming of shopping as I work...haha!
Last night, Raymund and I watched
Monsters Inc. vcd at home. Hehehe. We both laughed our heads off.
Currently reading Anne Rice's
Pandora. Found e-books in our network, TONS of e-books...books by
Anne Rice, John Grisham, Shakespeare, Tolkien, JK Rowling, Tom Clancy. Edgar Allan Poe...I got dizzy trying to choose a book to read.
Anyways, I'm very excited about shopping and the party. This is my last day in morning shift, so I'll be reunited with my crazy friends again in the graveyard shift...
Update this later...ciao!
Friday, November 26, 2004
Love Song
The Cure (remake by
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again
However far away, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again
However far away, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you
This is a song for my baby...mwuah!
Ok I just received news that our salaries will be coming in later tonight...and this is confirmed from Finance...
Have mercy and make this real!!!
What kind of Girlfriend are you?
Joi, you're a Steady Supporter
Stand by your man - that's just something you naturally do. Once you've committed to a relationship, you are a constant companion who enjoys the comfort and stability that comes from being a couple. Not quick to judge, accuse, or think the worst, you have a lot of trust (in him and in yourself), and you rarely worry about where he is or who he's with.
Taken from
What is your Bridget Jones moment?
Joi, your Bridget Jones moment is Getting Carried Away...
Ever hear of the snowball effect? It's when a teeny tiny snowball starts at the top of the mountain and turns into a boulder by the time it reaches the bottom. This is how you tend to react to, well, lots of things. A fleeting glance from the object of your affection (or is that obsession?) might be all you need to drop everything in hot pursuit. Let's look at the bright side: you're motivated.
taken from Balitang Ina.
First to-do thing on my list is to check my bank account to see if my salary is already sitting there, waiting for me to withdraw it. Alas, I find nothing there. So I have like around 200 pesos in my wallet until Tuesday, when the salary would come in.
What the @#$^!!!! How am I gonna eat and go to work???
Can't think of anything but my empty bank account...empty wallet...empty stomach...
There's news going around that our salaries will be coming in tomorrow morning, Saturday...I'm not sure if that's possible, but at the way things are going, I'm ready to believe anything...God help us!
Happy birthday to Wacks!
Thursday, November 25, 2004
I changed my skin again...gothic theme this time...just feeling goth right now...hehehehe..enjoy!
Wish list
I'm hungry. I just got here at work, and I was almost late. Didn't get the chance to grab something to eat. Sigh.
Yesterday, I was sick. Fever, cold, sore throat. My whole body ached and I felt cold outside and hot inside. My eyes felt like they were on fire.
After my shift, Raymund and I went to SM and had dinner. Window shopped a little. I hope that payday comes early (hopefully tomorrow) so that I can buy the makeup I saw yesterday. I'm planning to buy
VMV's Lip and Cheek Tint, and 3 palettes of eyeshadow. I can get to choose which combination I want. Cool! I figured I need to buy these and owe it to myself to look really nice sometimes...
I haven't started my wish list yet, and I wasn't really planning to...but yesterday I saw this
Guess watch that comes with 2 bracelets and so you can change them according to your outfit. I can actually buy that on my 13th month pay, but I'm planning to use that for buying my wedding stuff like my dress and shoes...Oh well...
We also dropped by the toy store. I quickly looked for the
Zoids section to see which one I'll buy for my brother. I really liked the latest tiger model, but its costs !, 300 + pesos!
WOW! And I still have to buy my other brother a present, plus my mom and dad, and Raymund...*groans* I can feel the holiday spirit in my pocket already.
Anyways, I'm getting tired of this template. Might be changing it again later.
My new sked sucks. Starting Sunday, new sked is 5pm till 2am. How the heck am I supposed to go home??? But this is just for 2 weeks, thank goodness.
Back to work. Will update this later.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Another HeartStats
♥Maree Joi Magbojos and ♥Manuel Raymund Paras |
- Plan to conceive many elitist children.
- Are aspiring to almost elope exuberantly.
- Disappoint their fanbases by always staying together.
My HeartStats
♥Joi Magbojos and ♥Raymund Paras |
- Will never have all evil girls.
- Can't wait to skinnydip when the time is right.
- Follow their dreams.
Sick girl
I'm back to work after 2 days of bumming around in the house. When I came back, I realized the Comments link was screwed up again, but anyways, it is fixed again, for now. I hope it doesn't decide to screw itself again...hehehe. I have a really bad cold, and I sound like a cow being drowned in water. Sigh. I didn't want to come in to work today...but heck, I need the money, so keep working Joi!
Finally received the Parental Consent form from my mom...Raymund and I just need to find time to submit the papers to the Civil Registry... I watched Bridget Jones' Diary: Edge of Reason on Monday night. I didn't have anything to do, and I was alone in the house. Raymund had to go to the office on his rest day...I decided to watch alone. I went to SM North Edsa, and bumped into my college classmate Poports. What a suprise! He was just window shopping, and so we chit chatted in Yoshinoya. It was great to hear stories about my college classmates... Yesterday, I just stayed in the house, too sick to go anywhere. I was alone in the house again. Sigh.
Moon who commented on my previous post: Thanks baby! I Love you too! *mwuah*
Sunday, November 21, 2004
At last!
PROUD of myself again! Finally, I was able to fix the
Comments link. Thank goodness. I was almost ready to give up, had to edit it in Front Page again. But now it's fixed.
YEHEY! This HTML stuff is driving me nuts...
Feel free to post your comments guys. Keep on bloggin'!!! *mwuah*
Half-priced products and lack of money
I'm cold and sleepy. I got home around midnight last night. I went to Nell's condo and we watched a whole bunch of
Charmed cds. After that, I met up with Raymund for dinner. We went to a friend's condo (Nell's neighbor) because they were on the way to a party. Raymund and I played
Tekken, but I ended up winning only twice. Loser.
When they left for the party, I went back to Nell's place just in time for
Sex and the City. Both Nell and Raymund wanted me to just sleep over, but I didn't have any clothes with me so I just took a cab home.
I think Raymund got home around 5am...probably drunk too. He went to his Account Manager's birthday party.
Happy birthday BC, Marson and AB! =)
So now I'm sleepy and bored and freezing and bored and hungry and sleepy and bored...
I tried not to come in too early for work. I left the house at 7am, but I was here by 7:30. I forgot, it's a Sunday...
It is my rest day tomorrow,
FINALLY! I can't wait to just relax and sleep and eat and watch tv. I bought 2 VCDs in Glorietta on Friday, each costing ony
75 pesos. And these are
ORIGINAL cds too...half the price! I bought
Moulin Rouge and
Monsters Inc. I wanted to buy
Mulan, by it wasn't on sale. Damn. I was pissed off at not being able to buy a lot, because if I did I'd end up begging for food till payday. I really really wanted to buy a set of plates for 795 pesos...It's a 20-piece dining set. Damn!!!!
aaaarrrggghhhh.......plus all the clothes and shoes were on sale too, some of them at half the price...=(
Only 4 more days to go in this shift. I'll finally be back in the graveyard shift...Sigh.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
I am soooooo proud of myself! I was able to change my blog's skin! haha! And this is a big deal for me because I'm a complete idiot when it comes to HTML codes. I downloaded this skin from
blogskin and I actually had a HARD time doing this right. I pasted the skin's code in MS Front Page so that I can edit the codes and preview what I've done without publishing the blog.
There are still some things I need to work on, like the Comments. The Comments link is not working, so I'll be needing to do some research. I'm lazy to do it now. I'll probably ask my friend Nicole to help me when she comes back to work on Monday. For now, if you guys have any comments, please feel free to put it in my tagboard or just email me:
Sigh. This blog stuff is so much fun! haha!
Friday, November 19, 2004
On the 3rd day...
My third day in morning shift...u guys notice I'm actually counting down the days that I'll be back in the graveyard shift? Sigh...
There are only a few of us here...me, Ceej, Zoi, Lisa, Ruby and Steel...I'm trying to distract myself by reading Tolstoy's
Anna Karenina online. But reading it is making me sleepy...who wouldn't? It is cold, quiet...i have a blanket around me, and a pillow...all I need is a bed and a pair of pajamas...
Kate texted me during my lunch break, saying she's in Makati and if we can have lunch together...haha! what a surprise to hear from the law student herself! Unfortunately, I already finished eating when she texted me, so she was like ok next time. I told her I'll only be in the morning shift till next Saturday, and she claims she's being pressured. LOL!
Nell and I are planning to go malling after my shift. Raymund has a basketball game with his buddies after his shift, so we won't be going home together. I was annoyed at him yesterday because he made me WALK all the way to the Ayala station of MRT from the office. I was so sweaty and tired! I wanted to snap at him but I just kept my mouth shut. I'm having one of those "i-get-irritated-at-the-little-things-you-do" fits...It must be that time of the month...I had blisters on my feet when I got home from all that walking in my sandals...sheesh.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
The morning shift blues
It's my second day in the morning shift. So far, I've been eating, eating, eating and eating. This is
NOT good.
I miss my graveyard friends: Nicole, Pakko, Wacks, Marcy, Shinjoe, Ed, Roscoe aka Daddy sup...waaaaaah! Take me back to the graveyard shift!
Now I know I used to whine about not being in the morning shift, even saying that this shift is my dream shift...but now that I'm here...i realize it is not that great after all. We do get queues in the morning before lunch. And the issues are weird. My AHT is getting higher, which is not good. Not to brag or anything, but my AHT and QA has been doing very well the past month. Sigh.
Not much to say...I'm currently reading
The Vampire Armand, the 6th book in
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. I read
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan and
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown last Thursday and Friday. Great books, highly recommended. Watch out for my reviews on my
Anyways...I am freezing here in the office right now...so ciao for now!
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Fresh from Baguio City
I'm back! Wow. For the first time in 9 months in this company, I am in the morning shift (8am-5pm). It feels kinda different because my friends are not here with me. But then, I'll only be here for 2 weeks. Feels good to sleep at night and work in the morning, like a
normal person.
Raymund and I left for Baguio on Sunday morning at 4am. Although we were sleepy, we were awake the whole 5 hours. haha! Excited little kids we were! I mean, who can blame us? Raymund's last trip to Baguio was 3 years ago. This is really embarassing, but I haven't been to Baguio for
20 YEARS! Sigh.
We arrived in Baguio City at around 9am, and guess what our first stop was? EAT. We ate at the
ihaw-ihaw food place near Burnham Park. Sooo yummy. After we ate, we headed off to the cathedral and we bumped into Raymund's mom, Tita Menz. Sheesh. Small world! She was totally shocked because we didn't tell her we were going to Baguio. haha!
We attended mass at the cathedral. There were so many people. I was feeling really sentimental because it was the first time that Raymund and I attended mass together, and he said that we needed to do that so that we will be blessed. Naks. How romantic indeed.
We headed off to Burnham Park to chill out. We wanted to sit down coz we were standing the whole time in church. It was so relaxing, watching the boats in the park under the crisp blue sky. We then headed off to Minesview. We took a jeep, and for the first time, it was actually HOT inside the jeep. Minesview was crowded, with people taking advantage of the long weekend.
We had our picture taken with the St. Bernard dog, Dog-las. He was sooooooo adorable! and HUGE! haha! Next, we had our pics taken with horses. We really felt like tourists! hahaha. After taking pictures in Minesview, we had our lunch there. Yum.
Next stop was the Botanical Gardens. I was a little disappointed because the park doesn't have much flowers and there were a lot of scattered garbage. Sigh. But we still managed to have some pics taken, making sure the garbage doesn't appear. Haha!
After that, we took another jeep to go to SM City Baguio. Guess what we did there? We watched a movie. Haha! We watched "The Incredibles" and it was really good. Actually, we just wanted to sit down, because we were carrying our bags as we travelled and we've been awake since 3am. We were tired. But we wanted to make the most out of the trip, so we just kept going. After the movie, Tita Menz picked us up to go the house where she is staying. She said there was a party, so she invited us so we can meet her friends there. Imagine, we had free food and beer! *grins* It was soooo cold that night, as I was sipping Raymund's beer. I have a jacket on, plus a bonnet, and I was still shivering.
At around 10pm, we decided to retire. We checked in at the Garcious Hotel Angeli in Abanao Road. We had planned on staying at the Starwood Hotel, but they were fully booked. We were asleep as soon as we got on the bed...two very tired souls...
The next morning, we were up early (5am), had breakfast at the hotel, and then headed off to go shopping. We went to the ukay-ukay, and we each bought 2 jackets. My jackets costed me 200 pesos each. haha! After that, we went back to the hotel for a nap, and we checked out at 2pm. We then went back to Burnham for a late lunch of
inihaw again, this time
inihaw na pusit. Then we went to the market to buy food, mainly strawberries, strawberry jam,
sundot kulangot, choco flakes...and I bought a blanket for only 160 pesos! hehehe. It was tiring going around the market with our backpacks and shopping bags, so we headed off to the bus terminal at 4pm. We had to wait for 3 hours, because the buses were fully booked too. We got on the 7pm bus, and the trip home took 6 hours! Sigh. We got home around 1am, and we were sooo tired. Raymund had work at 6am, the poor thing. But looking at our pictures (we had them developed in Baguio), it was worth it.
The trip was great. I really enjoyed myself, and I didn't wanna go back to Manila and drag myself back to the office. Wish I could live there instead. =)
So that's our Baguio trip, our so-called honeymoon. Ciao guys!
Friday, November 12, 2004
Baguio here we come!
Finally, my sked swap is approved! Raymund and I will be leaving for Baguio on Sunday morning after my shift. Next week, I'll be in morning shift on Wednesday. Sigh. Vacation...
I spent my rest day today here in the office. Had training at 6:30pm and then just chit chatted with my friends and my sup Grace. I'm reading The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan and The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice. I am a VERY happy bookworm today.
Can't think of anything to say now, I'm too excited about my vacation. I'll be posting some updates after my trip. Ciao guys! Keep on bloggin'! =p
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Salamat po
I wanna say thanks to my friends Nicole aka Goddess and Marcy for helping me out in changing some stuff on my blog's new template last night. Thanks guys!
Junk food for the soul

Doritos! - You are definately onea the guys. Beer
and sports are essential at least 4 times a
week. You are ruff and tuff and like manly
stuff. You sometimes have a real bite and
cannot express your feelings, but everntually
someone will come along and soften you up until
you are just a soggy chip!
What kind of junk food R U? brought to you by Quizilla
Angry, hungry and sleepy
That's how I feel right now. Today is starting out as a very bad day.
I woke up early to attend a training scheduled for 6:15pm. I was here in the office at 5:45pm. There were no supervisors around, so I asked my fellow team mates who already attended the training to find out where it is going to be held. They told me to go to the 37th floor at Philam, and when I asked front desk, I was informed to wait. There was another girl there also waiting, so I just sat there and waited. Eventually I fell asleep. I woke up around 7:45pm, and still no training. We were told that the trainers are having a meeting, so I just went back to my station for my shift.
It appears that the training was held in the 14th floor. Shit. I feel so angry at the people here.
1. Nobody informed me that the training will be held in the 14th floor.
2. In the 37th floor, nobody told us that the training was being held somewhere else. They asked us to WAIT, because the trainers are in training. And YES, they said that the training was held in the conference room in that floor.
3. My supervisor did not reply to my text message earlier this morning after my shift when I asked him where the training is going to be held. And now he's telling me that it is indeed on the 14th floor. So now I'm the stupid one? Hello! I was the one who had to wait there and nobody told me anything!
4. I have to attend the training on another day. So that means, I have to go to work probably early AGAIN, or go to training on my rest day. Life sucks.
I can't believe this. And now they expect me to take calls, do my work, despite everything. I haven't eaten yet, I am so sleepy, and I am absolutley pissed off at everyone involved: Supervisors, Workforce, Training dept., front desk in 37th floor. This company REALLY needs to cooperate with each other. It's us agents who suffer the stupidity of them all. And we don't get anything out of it, we just have to drag ourselves back into the office and be the good employees that we are. And NO, we don't get paid enough.
And I was so happy yesterday because I changed my template for my blog. I got tired of the orange template, and I felt that I needed to change it because I changed my site's template. But now, things are as bad as it can get.
The only bright side to my life right now is my Baguio vacation plans. Sigh.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
They're back!
My testimonials in Friendster are back! YAHOOOOO! After disappearing for 4 days. they're back there like nothing happened. Phew...
Not much updates. Just got here at work and haven't had a call yet. I have training tomorrow before my shift, at 6:15pm. Damn. That means I have to wake up at around 4pm. Sigh. But atl least, the training is not on my rest day. I can just sleep and pig out on my rest day. Pay day on Friday! Yahooooo!
What is my inner age?

SWEET TEEN!!! Yes you are a teenager mmmm from 13
- 19 quite a little rebel haha just kidding...
You think as a teenager, you see everything
quite simple, soon you will realize it is not
that simple. In my opinion you look at things
in a very beautiful way. =)
What is you inner age? brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, November 08, 2004
Missing testimonials and vacation plans
I can't believe that all my testimonials in Friendster just DISAPPEARED! There were around 15 there from my friends, and now they're all gone! I have no idea what happened. I know for sure that I didn't delete them. Man! How am I gonna ask my friends to re-write all of those testimonials? LIFE SUCKS.
Our plans to go to Baguio are on the way. Already got the forms I need for swapping skeds and filing for leave for next week. Hopefully, it gets approved right away so that I'll
finally be on the morning shift. We are leaving for Baguio on Sunday morning after my shift and then probably come back on Tuesday. Raymund and I will both be in the morning shift on Wednesday morning next week. Sigh. A vacation, finally!
So many questions...
by Kikokix (my colleague)
1. Kung may aanakan ka, baket ako?
2. Why do you love me?
3. Kung isa kang parte ng katawan, baket ka isang pasa?
*Hndi ko kinaya ang kanyang mga tanong kaya nilagay ko d2. KALOKA!*
I have just made some changes on my
site. Got a new template and added a few things. Check it out!
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Strawberry dreams...
It's another Sunday night at work. As usual, my hands and feet are freezing. Had a really long and nice sleep, but still feeling sleepy now at work. I haven't had a call yet and I already finished my first break.
Raymund and I are planning to go to Baguio next week. We will both be in the morning shift, and he needs to use his vacation leaves before the year ends (those that will not be convertible to cash). I haven't been to Baguio in YEARS. The first and last time I was there was before the huge earthquake in the early 80's. I'm such a loser...
I can already imagine how cold it is there right now. I'm really, really, really craving for strawberries! yuummmm...
Can't think of any updates right now. Can't concentrate coz my hands are freezing. Will try to update later.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
I guess communication is the key. Talking helps. It made you realize you were wrong, it made me realize that I was wrong too. I am grateful that the sensitive issues were placed on the table and we understand each other better now.
Thank you for assuring me that you do care, you do love me. Thank you for being patient, for being understanding. Let us continue compromising. Let us not let these things get in the way.
You hold my heart, and I am so happy that I am the one holding yours. I love you.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
The Older Men
Pakko (Nov 4) - my seat mate and team mate. Super kulit! haha! Happy birthday dude! Stay cool! Hey where's the beer?! He;s doing very well in adapting my gay lingo, so keep it up jokla! haha!
Wacks (Nov 26) - my ex-team mate and ex-seat mate. Happy beerday! haha! Ay nako, sobrang hilig sa mga babae kaya naman nagagalit ang kanyang jowa. HAHA! Joke lang (half meant). hehe. Oist bakla, pahiram naman ng iPod!
About you
what is it about you
that just makes me crazy
one day I'll be laughing
the next I'll be cursing
at the things you do or say
that just ruins everything
what is it about you
that makes it so hard to see
that I'm right...
what is it about you
that makes explaining so hard
what do i gotta do
to make you listen
and make you admit
am right sometimes
what is it about you
that makes me feel this way
i mean, shit
i'm writing stupid poems about you
making me feel i'm a silly schoolgirl
gushing about her crush to the rest of the world
what is it about you
that makes you so irresistible
i may be angry at you
but still you make me melt inside
the problem tho
is that you also make others melt
and it's so hard to make you understand
that you should show them
who really is there inside your heart
so if you really mean it
if you really want ME
if you really don't like THEM
show me
don't just tell me
words slip out so easily
but make me feel I really am
the one you're gonna share your life with
the one you're gonna share the marriage liscence with
the one you're gonna put down on forms as your 'wife'
so please
try to understand
i'm just a silly girl in love with you
bear with me
i'm afraid of losing you
let's compromise and make this work
coz we both know
this is something incredible
let's not lose the magic
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
All Cried Out
by Allure
All alone on a Sunday morning
Outside I see the rain is falling
Inside I'm slowly dying
But the rain will hide my crying, crying, crying
And you
Don't you know my tears will burn the pillow
Set this place on fire
'Cause I'm tired of your lie
All I needed was a simple "Hello"
But the traffic was so noisy that you could not hear me cry
(I) I gave you my love in vain
My body never knew such pleasure,
My heart never knew such pain
(And you) You leave me so confused
Now I'm all cried out, over you.
Cryin' over you, yeah
Never wanted to see things your way,
Had to go astray
For why was I such a fool (Why was I such a fool)
Now I see that the grass is greener
Is it too late for me to find my way home,
How could I be so wrong?
Leaving me all alone
Don't you know my tears will cause an inferno
Romance of the flames
Why should I take the blame?
You were the one who left me neglected (So sorry baby)
Apology not accepted
Add me to the broken hearts you've collected
(I) I gave you all of me (Gave you all of me)
How was I to know,
You would weaken so easily
(I) I don't know what to do (I don't know what to do)
Now I'm all cried out (All cried out)
Over you
(I) I gave you my love in vain
My body never knew such pleasure,
My heart never knew such pain
And you
You left me so confused
Now I'm all cried out
Now I'm all cried out
Over you
June 2004
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