Mikaela's Moon

i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park

Monday, November 29, 2004

The Vampire Schedule...

I'm back in the graveyard shift, at last. Had to come in to work early because I had training at 4:30pm. I was awake at 11:30am when Raymund left for work. Couldn't sleep after that...

I was almost late for my training because I chit chatted with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law before I left. "Mom" had new bags and wallets that she sells, and I looked at them. Found a wallet that I wanted to buy for my mom. I also got a blue bag to match my blue sneakers (from "Mom"), and I also got a Louis Vitton umbrella. My umbrella is broken, and I had to buy one coz it is raining hard today...

"Mom" said she'd be happy to teach me how to cook, coz Raymund and I are getting married soon. Hehehe...I'm kinda shy to have her teach me...but I guess I don't really have a choice. Have to learn to cook for my love...

I haven't had a call yet, and it's already 7:30pm. Things are slow today. I guess it's because it's still early.

Raymund said he'd wait for me at 2am later and we'll go home together. *smiles*

Not much to say...I'm getting sleepy...*yawns*

Where is Raymund now?
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