Mikaela's Moon

i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Angry, hungry and sleepy

That's how I feel right now. Today is starting out as a very bad day.

I woke up early to attend a training scheduled for 6:15pm. I was here in the office at 5:45pm. There were no supervisors around, so I asked my fellow team mates who already attended the training to find out where it is going to be held. They told me to go to the 37th floor at Philam, and when I asked front desk, I was informed to wait. There was another girl there also waiting, so I just sat there and waited. Eventually I fell asleep. I woke up around 7:45pm, and still no training. We were told that the trainers are having a meeting, so I just went back to my station for my shift.

It appears that the training was held in the 14th floor. Shit. I feel so angry at the people here.

1. Nobody informed me that the training will be held in the 14th floor.
2. In the 37th floor, nobody told us that the training was being held somewhere else. They asked us to WAIT, because the trainers are in training. And YES, they said that the training was held in the conference room in that floor.
3. My supervisor did not reply to my text message earlier this morning after my shift when I asked him where the training is going to be held. And now he's telling me that it is indeed on the 14th floor. So now I'm the stupid one? Hello! I was the one who had to wait there and nobody told me anything!
4. I have to attend the training on another day. So that means, I have to go to work probably early AGAIN, or go to training on my rest day. Life sucks.

I can't believe this. And now they expect me to take calls, do my work, despite everything. I haven't eaten yet, I am so sleepy, and I am absolutley pissed off at everyone involved: Supervisors, Workforce, Training dept., front desk in 37th floor. This company REALLY needs to cooperate with each other. It's us agents who suffer the stupidity of them all. And we don't get anything out of it, we just have to drag ourselves back into the office and be the good employees that we are. And NO, we don't get paid enough.

And I was so happy yesterday because I changed my template for my blog. I got tired of the orange template, and I felt that I needed to change it because I changed my site's template. But now, things are as bad as it can get.

The only bright side to my life right now is my Baguio vacation plans. Sigh.

pota, mga pota sila! sabi ko na nga ba e! ok lang yan dude, maganda ka naman e! shet sila! pota! dbale, sabay nalang tyo training bukas u like? pero restday mo...

ganyan talaga. it is really damn true we're not paid enough for this. we are everything for this freakin account, tech support, customer service, billing, payments, cancellation, saves, and now email! potah!
Shet talaga silang lahat. Nagmuka akong tanga dun, hndi pa ko kmakain. Sakit tuloy ng tyan ko. hay nako.
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