Mikaela's Moon
i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Rest and relaxation
I was gone from work for 3 straight yummy days.
Saturday was my rest day. I was supposed to watch Raymund's basketball game at 10:30am and then watch my team's (at work) basketball game at 1pm. Since I had work Friday night, I got home around 7am Saturday morning. Too sleepy to get up, so my boyfriend just let me sleep. Couldn't get my ass off the bed to watch the second basketball game, so I just slept thru that one too. Finally woke up after lunch when he came home.
We just watched some movies, ate, and played Scrabble.
Sunday, I had planned on working, but I called in sick.
Monday, I was on leave to attend the family planning seminar. It was supposed to start at 1pm, but ended up starting at 2pm and ending at 5pm. Filipino time. There were around 15 couples there, 3 women were pregnant. The seminar was ok, except that the speaker spoke really funny...he pronounced "paste" as "pest"...and "mucus" as "mocus"...sigh. Couldn't help but giggle at those, even though I was supposed to be all serious that duh I'm getting married...
After the seminar, we went window shopping and ate at Tokyo Tokyo! Yum...
Now, I'm back at work, at my regular sked of 7pm till 4am. I am soooo sleepy and sooo lazy to be here. Sigh. But heck, only one more night to go and it's my rest day again (Thursday and Friday). Need to go to work early tomorrow, have to attend training.
Friday, September 24, 2004
Madonna Craze...
from the album "Bedtime Stories"
Take a bow
the night is over
This masquerade is getting older
Lights are low, the curtains down
There's no one here[There's no one here, there's no one in the crowd]
Say your lines but do you feel them
Do you mean what you say when there's no one around [no one around]
Watching you, watching me
one lonely star[One lonely star you don't know who you are]
I've always been in love with you [always with you]
I guess you've always known it's true [you know it's true]
You took my love for granted, why oh why
The show is over, say good-bye
Say good-bye [bye bye]
say good-bye
Make them laugh, it comes so easy
When you get to the part
Where you're breaking my heart [breaking my heart]
Hide behind your smile
all the world loves a clown[Just make 'em smile the whole world loves a clown]
Wish you well, I cannot stay
You deserve an award for the role that you played [role that you played]
No more masquerade, you're one lonely star[One lonely star and you don't know who you are]
I've always been in love with you [always with you]
I guess you've always known it's true [you know it's true]
You took my love for granted, why oh why
The show is over, say good-bye
Say good-bye [bye bye], say good-bye
All the world is a stage [world is a stage]
And everyone has their part [has their part]
But how was I to know which way the story'd go
How was I to know you'd break[You'd break, you'd break, you'd break]
You'd break my heart
I've always been in love with you[I've always been in love with you]
Guess you've always known
You took my love for granted, why oh why
The show is over, say good-bye
I've always been in love with you [always with you]
I guess you've always known it's true [you know it's true]
You took my love for granted, why oh why
The show is over, say good-bye
Say good-bye [bye bye], say good-bye
Say good-bye
*check out my post's title for the link. Cool site, great for Madonna fans like me *
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Voice Within
By Christina Aguilera
Young girl, don't cry
I'll be right here when your world starts to fall
Young girl, it's all right
Your tears will dry, you'll soon be free to fly
When you're safe inside your room you tend to dream
Of a place where nothing's harder than it seems
No one ever wants or bothers to explain
Of the heartache life can bring and what it means
When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within
Young girl, don't hide
You'll never change if you just run away
Young girl, just hold tight
And soon you're gonna see your brighter day
Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
It's so hard to stand your ground when you're so afraid
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
When you're lost outside look inside to your soul
When there's no one else
Look inside yourselfLike your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your wayIf you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within
Yeah...Life is a journey
It can take you anywhere you choose to go
As long as you're learning
You'll find all you'll ever need to know
You'll make it
You'll make it
Just don't go forsaking yourself
No one can stop you
You know that I'm talking to you
When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within
Young girl don't cryI'll be right here when your world starts to fall
* I don't really like Christina Aguilera, but this song has been repeating itself in my head for a few days now. I decided to post it here just for fun. =) *
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Busy weekend
I am now on my last week of A-bay. Only a few more days to go!
I had a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning, we buried our little angel. It was a very sad moment for us. I couldn't bring myself to look at the baby, because I know I would feel worse. Sigh. I am sure the little angel is looking down on us all the time.
We got home around 2pm, and that's when I finally had the chance to sleep. Woke up at 6:30 and then my boyfriend and I went shopping. I bought a new pair of shorts! Yehey!
We watched the movie "Feng Shui", last show in SM City. It was suprisingly good considering it is a local movie. Not corny at all. And I really did get scared. Most of the people were screaming in fright.
Sunday morning, I accompanied my "baby" to his basketball game. Their team won! Had a lunch at Shangri-La. Yummy! *burp*
After lunch, his friends picked us up. They had band practice. They will be going to Bacolod next month for a gig. Hehe. They suddenly had the urge to play badminton, so although I was totally unprepared, we went along.
My whole body felt like I was in a boxing fight the night before. Every muscle ached. Even walking seemed too much of an effort. But I really missed playing badminton. I used to play every week when I was in high school. We'll be playing again this Saturday.
Monday morning, my boyfriend and I went to the City Hall to apply for a marriage liscence. We managed to get the list of requirements and application forms. All we need to do next is attend the two seminars (for family planning), fill up all the forms, and submit them to the Civil Registry office. Wait ten days, and then we will be issued a marriage liscence. *grins* We will be attending the seminars next Monday and Friday.
We are planning to get married at the end of this year. Kinda nervous, but kinda excited too. hehehe.
Whew, this is a long post. Gonna end it here. =)
Saturday, September 18, 2004
From angry to sad...
I have now vented out all my angry feelings a few days ago. Sadness now took anger's place.
My sister-in-law just had a miscarriage. It is very sad because the baby is 4 1/2 months old already. She currently has 2 girls, and the baby she lost is a boy. It is very sad indeed. The baby's funeral will be held tomorrow. May the little angel rest in peace.
I'm sure that the mood will be very sad when I get home later after my shift. It's a good thing that it is my rest day, so that I can attend the funeral.
At work, things were hectic earlier in the shift. Thank God things are back to normal now, which gives me an opportunity to update my blog. hehehe.
Not much going on, so I guess I'll end it here. *grins*
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Bad day
Today is a really stressful day.
When I woke up this afternoon, there was no electricity, and my housemates are planning on leaving. I took a bath in record time and waited for my office friend to pick me up outside the house.
Why outside?
Because there's a freaking ghost in the house. And I'm NOT kidding.
The ghost likes to copy us...'us' meaning the people living in the house. It's freaky. I mean, I wouldn't want to see MYSELF walk by right?! Damn.
Next, my mom texted me, out of nowhere, just to remind me how shitty she feels about me, basically just venting about how angry she is with me. I've learned to live with that, and I just ignore these moments, but it ruined my day. I am trying to stay away from trouble, from communicating with her, but still, she MAKES MY DAY no matter how far I am.
I need a break from work, from the world...just be alone and do what I want. But life is not that simple. I have to work, I have to do this and that...damnit.
At work, I keep getting pings WHEN I AM ON AVAIL! HELOW! I'm NOT on AFTERCALL CAN'T YOU READ?!
GOD, I hate that supervisor! He is really making me lose my patience! I want to throw the freaking phone to his station! He doesn't even know anything! You can't even ask him anything coz he won't be able to answer. He's useless! I have NO idea why he's a sup. Man!
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Tired but happy
I am now on my second night at "Academy Bay". I hate this shift. Long hours. We have meetings before and after the shift, so we have around an hour of OT everyday. Shift starts at 8pm, but we have to be here by 7:30 or else we will be marked late. Sigh.
Aside from the shift hours, it's tiring because of the pressure. We have to perform well, because we are closely monitored. If we don't perform well, we will be on ABay again next time, and if we do, we will get a memo. Life sucks.
I don't like my rest days: Sat and Sun. I am not accustomed to working on weekdays, I always had Thursday and Friday off...I feel like I have to drag my ass to work everyday. Sigh.
Forgot to mention that my boyfriend and I watched "
The Notebook" last week. I cried and cried and cried...I was trying VERY hard not to cry, but I can't help it! I couldn't believe that I convinced him to watch that with me...HAHA! He seemed touched by the story, which is good. I looked like hell when the movie ended. I was embarassed coz people were looking at my swollen red eyes (they probably thought that my boyfriend and I had a fight, haha!). I highly recommend this movie to those romantics out there. It's a beautiful love story by Nicholas Sparks. Sigh.
It's really hard being in this schedule, my boyfriend and I don't see each other anymore. Sigh.
We have started listing down the things we need to bring and things we need to buy when we move out. We are planning to rent a place and be on our own. We also started calculating the expenses for our wedding and moving out...We decided to have the wedding at the end of Dec or first week of Jan, when we receive our 13th month pay. It will just be a simple civil wedding with only our family members there.
Honestly, I got a little scared. Before, it was just planning and stuff...but now...we actually made a list! I got help from my friend to ask for the list of requirements needed to apply for a marriage liscence and all that...she also advised me not to get scared, instead do some reflecting to decide if I really AM ready, and if he's really THE ONE...
I realized that, yes, I am ready to face the responsibilities. Yes, I am ready to take care of him if he gets sick. Yes, I am ready to cook and clean and be a house wife and be a future mom...Yes, I am willing to be totally committed to one person, and Yes I am convinced that he is THE ONE, and yes I really really love him so much.
Haha! I'm getting really corny! *sigh* I guess I'm just excited that FINALLY I am getting married and that all the hard things that I had to go thru paid off after all. *smiles*
That's it for now...time to work. hehe.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Unexpected change
It seems that the 1am skeds were wrong. I'm still in A-bay, but in the 8pm sked, Sat Sun off. THANK GOD!
I felt a little better. I really don't want that 1am sked. Plus, I have Sundays off, so it means I won't be going to work this Sunday night. YAHOO!
Just finished lunch, and now I feel really sleepy. zzz...
Hope things start to get better...
VERY bad news
Ok, I just got back from my rest days. Bad news slapped my face when I came in and looked at my mail.
1. Remember the morning guy? Apparently, he requested that the extra 11pm shift be appointed to him so that I can take his current shift, 7am-4am. He emailed me saying his request got denied, so if I still want the morning shift, I need to get him an 11pm shift so that we can swap. Sigh.
2. I am on Academy Bay. This means that my stats stink, so I will be in this group where we are assigned a specific cup and Tier 2 for 2 weeks for improvement. That really doesn't bother me, but THE SCHEDULE STINKS! I mean, it's 1am till 10am! It is SOOOO HOT at 10am...DAMNIT! And then it's Sun Mon rest days...Sigh...How am I supposed to go to Makati all the way from Quezon City at 12am?! HELLOOOOOOW!
3. The A-Bay sked starts tomorrow, Sept 12. I told my current sup that I shouldn't be working tonight coz it says that my rest day is Sun Mon, which technically is Sun 1am later...Sigh...But Workforce said I need to be in tonight coz I just got my rest days...HMPF.
As you can see, I'm really pissed off at the turn of events. I HATE my sked. I HATE my shift. And salary won't be coming in till Wed. AAAARRGGGHHHH!
Thursday, September 09, 2004
New look...again
I have decided, again, to change my template. I find this template cooler coz it has the format on how I can add links to my blog. I am a blog idiot, and I do not know HTML. I was SOOOOO happy that it has the format so I can just copy that and VOILA! I have links on my blog! Yahoo!
I just finished my shift, and it is now officially my rest day! YAHOO! I am a happy call center gal today! *smile*
So what can I say...hmm...I had lunch with my friends Nell and Eva at my previous company's pantry. hehe...in short, I trespassed to my previous company's property. But just for lunch! *teehee*
Hmm...Normal number of calls tonight (39 total), and none of my things got stolen (which is a relief coz my pillow and mug got stolen). It pisses me off that we don't have any lockers. And that there are THIEVES in this company, on the 32nd floor of Robinsons Summit Center! ARGHHHH!
Oops, I need to log out. There are other people logging in for the 5 am shift. Gotta get my ass off this chair. Nyt peeps!
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Old issues, old reactions
I am now on my third night on this 7pm shift. For me, the shift goes by really fast even though my friends are far away from me. Why? Because I'm not stressed out with a lot of calls and my breaks are really early (lunch is 10:45 pm).
The 7pm people are isolated from the rest of the Web Hosting team. Due to lack of seats, we are placed on the Cable department, and no it is NOT fun at all.
1. The rest of us are separated from the rest of the Web Hosting team by the huge pantry. There are only 5 of us in the 7pm shift, and it's boring.
2. I can't be my normal noisy self coz I don't have my noisy friends nearby.
3. We don't have any sups or Tier 2 around, so we have to depend on our internal chat software for questions.
I just spoke to a friend early yesterday morning about forgiveness. He called me to ask about something, and then he told me he heard that he had a lot of reactions about what he posted on his blog. Haha! I was like yeah everyone wants to know who is the person you are finally forgiving. And then I asked him why it took him that long to forgive that person blah blah...and I asked him why it didn't take him that long to forgive me (people who reads his blog, you now know I'm the "second person"). So he was like coz with me it was just a mistake and he didn't feel anger, just disappointment. Oh well. But I'm glad we are friends now, and he has forgiven me. *smile*
Indeed, Christmas is near. I can hear songs and stuff about the biggest holiday in the Philippines. It made me think again about my family, and how I miss my brothers a lot. I keep a picture of my youngest brother Marx in the office, and people are like "oh your SON is soooo cute!". Duh. I can't help it if he's 3 years old and I'm 20 years older than him. Blame my parents. And I'm like "oh no he's my brother". (This sounds like a
Dove commercial..."oh how cute naman ur daughter!"..."oh no she's my granddaughter.."..."HUWAAT?!")...basically, i get the same reactions.."huwaaat?!"
I am now logging off. Can't go home yet though. I still have to wait for the MRT at 5:30am so I can go home...sigh. One more night and it's my rest day!!!
Night people.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
New sked, new headache
Today is the first day of the new schedule. I now start work at 7pm, and go home at 4am. Life sucks. My rest days are the same: Thursday and Friday.
Life sucks.
I am still planning to shift to the morning schedule. There's this guy who has THE sked that I want, and he wants to go on night shift. HOORAY! But I need to find him an 11pm shift, coz that what he wants. I need to swap with an 11pm person, and then shift with the morning person, and YES I will be normal again! *sniff sniff*
I LOVE the morning person's sked: 7am - 4pm, Mon Tues rest days. That is my ultimate DREAM sked. Sigh. I hope someone would take pity on me and give me an 11pm sked. huhuhuh...
Right now, I haven't received my first call on my new sked. It's Sunday, and as usual, it's a very slow day. I'm wondering how I'm gonna go home later at 4am, probably take a cab, I'm sooooo sleepy.
I have to get used to my new eating time too. Life sucks.
But if I get the morning shift, life will be beautiful at last...hehehehe...I know, I'm a bitch. Can't help it, been on a vampire sked for half a year. Sigh.
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