Mikaela's Moon

i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Our angel

Raymund and I went to another OB last May 5. This new OB is highly recommended by two of my dear friends, Nicole and Ces.

Raymund and I went there after work. We were informed that his clinic opens at 9am in the Delos Santos Medical Center hospital in Quezon City.

The usual routine when we got there: personal info, weight, blood pressure. The doctor was in the delivery room so we had to wait. The nurse asked me to lie down on the bed in his clinic and that was nice because I had no sleep yet. Us night shifters are sleepy in the morning...

We waited...for 2 hours. I fell asleep on the unconfortable bed. The lights were above my face but still I dozed off. When the doctor arrived at around 11am, his nurse shook me awake. The doctor pulled out his stetoscope, placed it on my tummy and declared after 5 seconds "Oh pumipitik na!"...(friends, that means he heard the heartbeat). I was so shocked. I was still shocked when he tapped my leg and asked me to join him at his desk.

(We both decided not to inform the new OB about the earlier diagnosis of a possible anembryonic pregnancy. We wanted to hear his diagnosis first.)

He proceeded to write down my prescription (vitamins for preggies). His nurse then explained how I should take the medicine and that I should come back next month. Another nurse took my blood and urine. I couldn't speak. I forgot to ask the questions I wanted to ask the OB, like getting a second ultrasound.

But then, he heard the heartbeat...My baby is there. I always felt the baby here...I knew it! I was so glad I did not follow the first OB who wanted me to take a d/c (dilation and curratege). This means that the OB will scrape my uterus to get the sac out. Now when I think about it, it sounds like murder! Oh how close that OB was to murdering my baby!

I have never felt more at peace now. This happiness that I am feeling is so different. How can you love someone so much when you have not met? That is how I feel. This baby growing inside of me is a product of love between two people...How wonderful it is to think of it that way!

I want to say thank you to my friends and family members who have prayed and supported me through this. Our angel will be soon be born sometime in November or early December.

Happy Mother's Day to my mom!

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