Mikaela's Moon
i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park
Monday, November 28, 2005
Happy birthday Herthy!

Happy Birthday Herthy!
*inuman na!!!*
Rest days rule!
As usual, my rest days were busy. I didn't have work for 3 straight days. I filed for leave on Saturday.
Thursday morning, I stayed in the office for 5 hours to play
Neopets. I adopted a pet and I got hooked on feeding and buying stuff for my new pet.
Raymund woke me up after I had 5 hours of sleep. Watched
"What a Girl Wants" in HBO. I cried at the part where her dad was apologizing to her and they had the father-daughter dance that happens during weddings. I remembered when my dad and I danced, and he was piss drunk, and he was giving me sermons. Sigh. My dad is truly one of a kind.
After that movie, we watched
"Shutter" on VCD. It was a scary Thai movie about spirits appearing in pictures. Even Raymund jumped at the scenes. LOL!
On Friday, I stayed at home. I was asleep during the day and then I did the laundry while watching tv. Waited for Raymund and we had a talk. Felt good to finally settle things.
On Saturday, I met up with Joe in SM Makati. We bought gifts for Wack's baby shower. We left Makati at around 5:30pm. We got lost on the way to Las Pinas, and finally we arrived at 8pm. Just in time! Nicole and her family were already there. It was so much fun. We all missed Wacks terribly.
After that, we rode with Nicole on the way back to Makati. Joe went back to the office, and I went to Herthy's pad in Valero Plaza. The gang was there: Milles, Ana, Neri, Mickey, and Herthy. I had SOO MUCH FUN...I really missed hanging out with my
SBC Family. I had some bonding moments with Milles and Herthy and Mickey... I really hope that Ana feels better soon.
We drank rum coke and got drunk. At 4am, Raymund wanted to go home so we left. We were both piss drunk. Wow, that felt so good! I haven't been drunk in a loooong time. Made me feel like all the stress from work left my system. Felt refreshed.
This morning though, I had a really bad headache. I slept from 5am till 5pm. I was still feeling light headed when I arrived at work. But it was worth it. I missed you guys. Hope we can get together at least once a month. I love you guys!
This has been one of the best rest days I've ever had in such a long time.
Monday, November 21, 2005

I wish I wasn't
I wish I wasn'tby Heather HeadleyI'm home alone again
And your out hangin' with your friends
So you say
Somehow i know it's not quite that way
It's getting pretty late
And you haven't checked on me all day
When i called, you didn't answer
Now i feelin' like your ignorin' me
I wish
That you were home
Holdin' me
Tight in your arms
And i wish I could go back
To the day before we met
And skip my regret
I wish i wasn't
In love with you
So you couldn't hurt me
It just ain't fair
The way you treat me
No you don't deserve me
Wasted my time
Thinkin' bout you
And you ain't never gon change
I wish i wasn't
In love with you
So i wouldn't feel this way
When you touch me my heart melts
Anything you did wrong i forgave, yeah
So you play me
And take advantage
Of the love
That i feel for you
Why you wanna hurt me so bad
I believed in you
That's why I'm so mad
Now I'm drownin' in disappointment
And its hard for me to even look at you
I wish
That you were home
Oh yes i do
Holdin' me
Tight in your arms
Ooo baby
And i wishI could go back
To the day before we met
And skip my regret
You said you cared bout me
But from what i see
I ain't feelin' that
So i disagree
Gave you all my love
And understanding
And you treated me
Like your enemy
So leave me alone
and walk out that door
Just go back where you came from
This house is no longer your home
You're not welcome no no no more
No (oo oo oo) more
Hear your knockin' at the door again
I'm wonderin' should i let you in
I open up the door and see
The flowers for me
So beautiful in your hand
You start beggin' me to take you back
I've always been a sucka' for romance
And before you know it i concede
You're all over me
Oh no, here i go again
I wish i wasn't
In love with you
So you couldn't hurt me
this song was written for me
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!!!
Pakko ~ Nov 4
Eva ~ Nov 18
Sam ~ Nov 20
Gwen ~ Nov 20
Agnes ~ Nov 21
Sam ~ Nov 26
Mic ~ Nov 26
Wacks ~ Nov 26
Herthy ~ Nov 28
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Music Video Codes by Music Video Bash
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...times 2
My rest days should no longer be called "rest" days...they should be renamed to "i-don't-have-work-but-i'm-not-resting" days. I didn't get any rest. Busy busy busy.
Thursday morning, I waited for 2 hours in the office. My hubby logs out at 6am, so I waited for him. Then I only got 3 hours of sleep. He woke me up at 10:20am to go to Gateway. We watched the latest Harry Potter movie with Chos, Wayne and Aiza. We got home at around 2:30pm. My hubby went to sleep right away. I, on the other hand, waited for my friend Nell to show up. She said she was coming over and help with my cooking. We cooked
nilagang baka for 3 hours!
I woke him up after the beef was cooked, at around 10:30pm. Nell left at 11:3opm and finally I slept.
Friday, I met up with Nell and Nicole in Greenbelt for another Harry Potter movie. Sigh. We bought sandals (mine is silver for my new Coach bag..yipee!) and had dinner in Shakeys. Nell and I sent Nicole to the FX stand (she has work at 8pm) and then we headed off to SM. Bought toiletries. And Vodka Chocolate. Hehehe.
Waited for him to log out at 10pm, and then headed straight home. Soooo tired. Slept at 12 midnight.
I woke up with a start at 2:30am. I had a nightmare. I dreamnt that someone, a male, was chasing me along the shore of a dark beach, and I was trying to wake myself but I couldn't. I finally woke up, shaked my husband awake and asked him to turn on the lamp next to me. He did, and he asked me to drink water. I told him I was having a nightmare, and I was so scared I cried. He told me to keep the lamp on so I can sleep again. Eventually, I fell asleep again, but I prayed first. I turned off the lamp at around 6am. Sigh. Been having really weird and scary dreams.
Now I'm at work, and I have a fever. Should have stayed at home...but I'll try to stay alive, and if this gets worse, I'll go home after my lunch break...
The new Harry Potter movie is the best so far. I really liked that it had comedy, drama, romance, and adventure all rolled into one. I cried on the scene where Cedric Diggory was brought back and his dad was crying with grief. And yes, I cried TWICE. Silly me, I know.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Lazy girl
I've been so lazy to update my blog. I guess I just haven't been in the mood.
Raymund is still in the graveyard shift this week so things are good. He'll be in the afternoon shift next week until Dec.
Things at work are neither better nor worse. Sometimes, I just feel hopeless.
A friend has been accepted in Dell, and the offer is good. I'm thinking of applying there, and my husband is very supportive.
Planning on watching
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with my husband, Nell and Nicole on Friday. I can't wait to see Harry again. hehe.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
How soon is now
How soon is nowby The SmithsI am the son
And the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and the heir
Of nothing in particular
You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way?
I am Human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does
I am the son
And the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and the heir
Of nothing in particular
You shut your mouth
How can you sayI go about things the wrong way?
I am Human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does
There's a club, if you'd like to go
You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go, and you stand on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home, and you cry
And you want to die
When you say it's gonna happen "now"
Well, when exactly do you mean?
See I've already waited too long
And all my hope is gone
You shut your mouth
How can you sayI go about things the wrong way?
I am Human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Aftershock 2004 pic

The Aftershock party 2004 (Odd Table, Makati)
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Office pals

Me and Nicole in the office
What I did on my rest day...
The interview with Jobstreet on Thursday took longer than I expected. After the interview, I took a 40-min exam, waited, then took a typing test, waited again, and then got a envelope that I was supposed to give to Convergys on Monday for my interview/exam. I was hesitant about the job offer of Convergys. I don't want to work there, but the Jobstreet gal insisted that the salary in Convergys is good. Oh well. I still don't want to go.
I'm waiting for Jobstreet's otehr offer: a position in Siemens (in Libis). I heard the pay is good too. And I heard the training is in Singapore...niceee...
On Friday, I went to Meralco and PLDT to pay the bills. PLDT was closed, so I headed to Makati. Met up with best buddy Nell in Glorietta. She went grocery shopping. Then we headed off to her condo. Raymund went there on his lunch break, and ate there. Then I rendered OT for 4 hours (double pay!).
Went home around 11pm. We watched "Sky High" on DVD. Quite good. Didn't get to watch the first part since I was getting Raymund's very late dinner ready.
It was around 1:30am when we slept. I woke up at around 6:41am. DAMN!
I had a scary dream. I dreamnt of Raymund's dad. He passed away around 5 years ago. He told me he was going somewhere important, and that Raymund and I had to follow him. I remember it vividly: he was wearing a white long sleeved shirt and black pants. I woke up with a start, and I was so scared I ended up crying. I wanted to wake my hubby up, but decided not to coz he was sleeping so soundly. I forced myself to go back to sleep. Sigh. I told him about the dream, and he said we really need to visit his grave at the end of this month. He's gonna ask my mom if we could borrow her car to go to Dagupan.
I haven't slept a wink since I woke up that early. Now I'm at work, feeling soooo sleepy and tired. I really want to curl up in bed and sleep for 12 hours!
Next week will be busy. My hubby will be on the night shift next week till Dec 4! Yey! *smiles*
Thursday, November 03, 2005
It's my rest day!
I have an interview at 4pm later for Jobstreet. Then I'm gonna meet up with Nell. Then I'll wait for husband till 10pm.
I applied for a supervisor position, and I hope all goes well.
I'm gonna buy a new phone next month. Hello SE K750i!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Tell me
I'm tired of the same things
the same fights
the same issues
the same feeling
I want to move on and not worry anymore
You say it's me
I'm too this, I'm too that
me, me, me
Don't you think I try?
Why don't look into yourself?
Maybe the solution is there
Can't you see how this saddens me?
I'm not trying to control you
I just want you to understand
You say I'm all you need
but is that what your actions show?
Tell me
help me understand
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
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October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
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November 2005
December 2005
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