i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park
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I was absent yesterday. My migraine just took its toll. Must be because I've been having insomnia attacks all week. Yesterday, I had only 2 hours of sleep, and I couldn't bring myself to endure 9 hours of work. My husband was also absent yesterday, so he kept me company.
After I woke up to call Workforce at 6pm, I went back to sleep at 7pm and my hubby went to the gym. I had a very scary dream in the 1 hour that he was away.
I dreamnt that I was being bullied by 8 demons. Things around me kept moving. I dreamnt that I told my husband about it, but he just laughed and didn't accompany me to church. I called my friends Nicole and Nell to take me to this church where I was supposed to meet this priest. I woke up when the phone started ringing downstairs. It was my hubby back from the gym. He forgot his keys.
I was so shaken by the dream that I actually cried while preparing dinner and narrating the dream to my husband. He comforted me and asked me to pray. He said I was just probably not feeling well due to my insomnia.
So now I'm back at work, but it's my rest day tomorrow! Wohoo!