Mikaela's Moon

i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park

Wednesday, October 05, 2005



Our team had a really bad shift at work last night.

I had an issue with a sup. From the start, this sup always nosing around other poeple's issues... But last night, sup did something really stupid and it totally pissed me off.

All of us has a right to use 10 mins of Personal Aux. We were told that we should not use that just before we log out. During my shift, I was not able to use it because I didn't need it yet. I usually use my personal an hour before I log out so I can rest or go to the rest room. I went on Personal a few minutes before 4 am (my shift ends at 5am). I was only on my 3rd minute when sup sent me a message thru Jabber, our internal chat. Sup asked me to not go on Personal as a "last break". I told her that I'm not using it as a last break, and I was just resting. She said "I know but still, you should scatter your Personal throughout your shift and not use it all at once, unfair to the others". Now, this pissed me off.

First of all, since when was there a RULE or POLICY that we should "scatter" our Personal? Let us take a look at the meaning of the word "personal". Aren't we the ones to decide WHEN and HOW we use it? I mean, I've only used up 3 mins and I did it an HOUR before I log out. I'm sorry, but what's the fuss about?

Secondly, if would have been ok if everyone on the team follows the "no personal before u log out" rule. There are people, and I'm not going to name names, who go on personal 10 mins before they log out. Does she give them any warnings? NO. Enough said.

I am just ranting my feelings, and my frustrations. I know my team mates and sups read this blog, and to HELL with what they gossip about me behind my back. I know I'm doing my job, I know this is MY BLOG, and I can say whatever freaking thing I want!

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