Mikaela's Moon

i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Raymund, Melot and I went to church last Sunday at 7pm. I enjoyed it very much. I think that the priest has this presence, it will make you shut up and listen to the word of God. He was never boring, and he shared a lot of personal stories which made us laugh and sympathize with him.

He said that the key to material wealth is thru generosity. He claims he has proved this himself.

He talked about Jesus and the miracle of the bread and fish. He related a story he experienced while gathering donations for the victims of flood in the province of Quezon. He was one of those tasked to sort thought the hundreds of boxes given by people. He said that people do not donate because they care, because they have pity in their hearts. Some people give out things that they have been dying to get rid off but did not have the chance to do so. I was shocked when he told us that there were wedding gowns, fancy dresses and high heeled shoes in many of the boxes. I mean, C'mon! What the heck are the flood victims gonna do there, dress up for parties when they don't have food, water, electricity and clothes? That's just plain dumb.

The priest shared his story of being an ex-millionaire. He was in need of transportation to hold mass during the Christmas season, which is as early as 3am. So he borrowed a car from his brother and decided to fix it up and gave back to his brother looking brand new. He was generous enough to not ask for anything when his brother sold the car.

A few months later, he won in one of the SM promos. He won a Ford Expedition. Wow. However, he sold the Expedition and invested the money in a pyramid scheme and lost. Too bad.

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »
Excellent, love it! »
Keep up the good work »
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