Mikaela's Moon
i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Late post
Lotsa things happened last week, but I haven't had the time and energy to type this post on my blog. I usually update my blog several times a week, but I'm not in the mood.
Sunday, my hubby and I along with my brother in law Melot, went to
Dish to watch
Sugar Hiccup's gig. This band is back with a new vocalist. Czandro is a very close friend of my hubby's. His wife Sugar is now a good friend of mine. It was around midnight when we arrived there. It was my first time there, in the ABS CBN compound. I was excited! The band was great, and I enjoyed it very much. We were able to drink a few beers and rum cola...I realized I missed beer so much! LOL...We got home at around 3am. Whew.
I was absent yesterday. I was dizzy and pale and nauseous. I couldn't get out of bed. Sigh. By the time my hubby got home, I was running a fever already. Sheesh.
He took me out on a "date" today. Read: no sleep, been awake since 3am this morning. I washed our laundry, and ironed his shirts. Then he texted me at around 2pm, asking if I could meet him in Glorietta. We watched "
Must Love Dogs". Pretty funny. The dogs were sooo adorable.
I am sooooo sleepy.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
My godchildren
I just realized that all of my godchildren are
girls. And they all have long names...
Paula Jane Garejo
Frances Rine delos Reyes
Julia Dominique Espenilla
Leighann Mikaela Catipon
I really really
REALLY like the name "
Mikaela" and scolded my gddaughter's dad, Lex, about giving this name to his daughter. I was supposed to have a daughter with that name! WAAAH! Hmpf. I will still use that name. My daughter will be named
Mikaela Paras. *grins*
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
I finished it in 3 days. And yes I cried again.
I cannot believe he died...sigh. It was such a depressing time for the wizarding community. I feel sorry for Harry, he has such a huge burden on his shoulders. I know everyone is counting on him to save their world.
I hope he survives Book 7. Sigh.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I am
tired of talking
tired of explaining the same issue over and over and over
tired of hearing complaints
tired of demands to fix an issue I can't personally fix
tired of being shouted at
tired of being threatened at
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Old friends meet again
Last week, two of my long lost high school classmates were in touch with me again.
Celine, my ex classmate from Malaysia, called me after I sent her SMS. I got her number from a common ex classmate, and I was shocked she called me! Overseas call! LOL...I asked her to email me instead, and we have been in touch so far. She was pretty shocked to hear that I'm married now. I'm shocked to realize we have not been in touch for 10 years! WOW!
Anna Sheryl, my ex classmate in University of Batangas, added me up in Friendster. She's in London now! Wow! And she looks great too. hehe.
We have been swamped by calls this week. Our client's mail servers are down, and customers have been calling us non stop, demanding why their email is not working. This is going to be a VERY hard week.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Just dropped byto say that it's my rest day finally, i was absent on Thursday night, and that I have a lot of things to say but I'm too lazy and too tired to do it right now, and I'm pissed off at this computer because it is so f*cking slow!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
My hunkMy hubby just got his hair cut short, and he looks sooooooooooooo cute! Chubby cheeks...hehehehe...Love yah baby!
Back to work bluesIt was a tiring weekend. Saturday, Raymund and I went home to
Batangas City. My mom has classes and her house helpers are unable to come home on time. She needed a babysitter for the day.
It was easy to take care of my two brothers (ages 12 and 4). They stayed in their room (technically it is MY room, but they INVADED it) most of the time. Marven, the older one, was glued to his Playstation as usual and Marx just watched him while playing with his dinosaurs. I had some time to sleep. I woke up twice to feed them lunch and snacks. They were very behaved and I'm glad Marven can take care of Marx now. Marven is an autistic child, but he has matured so much since attending the University of Batangas Special Education School. He is now back to a normal school and he is in Grade 4 in the University of Batangas Elementary School.
On Sunday, Raymund and I left after lunch. Marx cried and I know my mom didn't want us to leave yet. We needed to leave because Raymund's older sister is having a birthday/farewell party. We stopped by Robinson's Galleria to buy things for his daughter. Ate Joy will be leaving for the US on Thursday. She will be back after 6 months.
Raymund's mom will also be leaving for the US on Sept. 1. She said that I will soon be the "queen of the house", meaning I'll be the only girl and will therefore be cleaning the house. I'm looking forward to that...
We went grocery shopping and so our salaries are now kapush. 2 and a half weeks till the next pay day...
Friday, August 12, 2005
No!All of us are getting crazy. Our salaries are not here yet, and all of us are broke! Hello Finance????!!! Uh, we won't be able to work tonight coz we don't have money to get us to work!!!!!! ARRGGGHH!!!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
KateWaaah! I miss you too! =(
Take care and come home soon!
P.S. It's a good thing you posted something in my tagboard, I
finally know where your blog is.
Raindrops on my feet...It's raining, and I know I should be wearing "rainy" clothes...but I wanna feel girly today...the result? Mud splattered whte sandals...
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
LunchI am sooo hungry. I only had 2 pancakes before going to work...
FreezingCan someone please turn down the f*cking aircon in this office! Damn! I'm freezing in here!
Your Ideal Relationship is Marriage |
 You've dated enough to know what you want. And that's marriage - with the right person. You're serious about settling down some time soon. Even if you haven't met the person you want to get hitched to! |
In a Past Life... |
 You Were: An Albino Beekeeper.
Where You Lived: Poland.
How You Died: Consumption. |
You Are an Indie Rocker! |
 You are in it for the love of the music... And you couldn't care less about being signed by a big label. You're all about loving and supporting music - not commercial success. You may not have the fame and glory, but you have complete control of your career. |
Finding NemoMy friend
Nicole is nuts about Finding Nemo. Wish you guys can hear her when she imitates Dorrie, her favorite character. She can copy the voice and she knows her lines! She just told me this incredible story that the person who drew Dorrie is a Filipina!
WOW! She works in Pixar. That is soooooo cool!
Correction: Nicole just told me that the correct spelling is D-O-R-Y...sorry!
Arrgghh!Why do we ask things about our partner's past and then we get insecure about it? If we know that we will get insecure, then why ask? Why can't we just let his past be his past and move on? Why can't we live in the present?
Sometimes, I want to kill myself for being too nosy about his past. I mean, I know he's been with a gazillion women before me. I know I should not be insecure because he loves me, and he married me for Pete's sake. What the heck is wrong with me?
TV is good for youI was absent last Friday, and I spent the weekend watching tv and cuddling with my husband while it was raining outside.
I watched a very interesting episode of
Oprah. Cameron Diaz was the guest. She talked about her new show on MTV, called
Trippin', where she goes to remote places with friends and help out endangered species. They showed a part where she went to Nepal with Eva Mendes, Redman and the Blink 182 drummer Mark. It was great. They bathed the elephants, and the visited endangered crocodiles. They also went to the local school, and they were touched at how simple their lives were. I was touched when
Eva Mendes cried when she explained how much the children moved her. It's great that we get to see how people live so differently from ours. We learn to appreciate what we have.
Surf ControlI haven't been able to update my blog due to Surf Control here at work. It sucks. I can't even check my Yahoo mail! Damn. They said the IT people will fix it. Soon I hope.
Friday, August 05, 2005
I love these two...
Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Angels and Demons
This book just rocked my world. I finished it in 5 hours, and I got a bad neck after reading it. But damn, the story was awesome! I learned so many new stuff, like CERN, antimatter, Illuminati, ambigrams...I have to say big thanks to my friend Wacks for lending me his beautiful book, complete with colored pictures!
I like this one way better than The Da Vinci Code, although that one took my breath away too...and questione my faith in the Roman Catholic Church.
Dan Brown, ur the man!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
StealthWe watched Stealth after going to mass. We watched the last full show at 9:30pm. It was an ok movie. I think that Jessica Biel is getting sexier and sexier. She sure has gone a long way from
Seventh Heaven.
MassRaymund, Melot and I went to church last Sunday at 7pm. I enjoyed it very much. I think that the priest has this presence, it will make you shut up and listen to the word of God. He was never boring, and he shared a lot of personal stories which made us laugh and sympathize with him.
He said that the key to material wealth is thru generosity. He claims he has proved this himself.
He talked about Jesus and the miracle of the bread and fish. He related a story he experienced while gathering donations for the victims of flood in the province of Quezon. He was one of those tasked to sort thought the hundreds of boxes given by people. He said that people do not donate because they care, because they have pity in their hearts. Some people give out things that they have been dying to get rid off but did not have the chance to do so. I was shocked when he told us that there were wedding gowns, fancy dresses and high heeled shoes in many of the boxes. I mean, C'mon! What the heck are the flood victims gonna do there, dress up for parties when they don't have food, water, electricity and clothes? That's just plain dumb.
The priest shared his story of being an ex-millionaire. He was in need of transportation to hold mass during the Christmas season, which is as early as 3am. So he borrowed a car from his brother and decided to fix it up and gave back to his brother looking brand new. He was generous enough to not ask for anything when his brother sold the car.
A few months later, he won in one of the SM promos. He won a Ford Expedition. Wow. However, he sold the Expedition and invested the money in a pyramid scheme and lost. Too bad.
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