i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park
My San Juan trip...
I'm sorry, this is soooo overdue. As you can see, I have been depressed for a few weeks so I didn't have the energy to update this blog. I was supposed to update it over the weekend, but our schedules have changed and I no longer have work on weekends. Bummer.
On the first day of the trip, we were supposed to leave at 8 but instead we left at 10am. A lot of people were late...yada yada...There were two vehicles, one rented van and a car owned by a friend's friend (Jackie). We had breakfast at McDonalds along the South Expressway. We arrived in San Juan at around 1:30pm. Wow I missed that place sooo much. That place is really fantastic. Check out the pics on my website.
We had lunch on banana leaves. Rice and crabs...yum yum. After digesting that huge lunch, we went for a dip on the clear water. You can actually see the corals and fish there! After the dip, we had our drinking session while chilling out, enjoying the view.
Dinner was again great, thanks to our great Lea and Nezza who prepared the food (for most of the trip)...We did take turns with washing the dishes though. That first night, we were all too tired for a really drop dead drinking session so we all retired early.
On the second day, we had breakfast. Hotdogs, eggs, rice and bread. Yummy. I think I gained weight from all the great food we had. We couldn't swim because the water was FILLED with jellyfish. I guess it was because the water was so calm and the breeze was very gentle. My friend Eva and I watched the jellyfish and tried to feed the fish with bread. I even saw a sea horse! It was tiny and green and it was just a few inches from where my feet was! Wow. My first sea horse.
After lunch, we drank a little bit and then we went to the "bat cave". It was a 15 minute walk from the house. There were a lot of bats but we didn't go in. The droppings stink! Anyways, most of us were high because we were smoking "doobie" on the way to the cave. haha! But it was cool.
That night, most of the guys took a nap. Eva and I drank the Absolut Mandarin while singing to the Eraserheads. That was great! Singing those songs brought me and Eva back to our high school days...and I got drunk...I left Eva there and slept. Tee hee. Later on I found out that when we slept, those who took their naps woke up and had their own drinking session. haha.
On the third day, we just swam and rode the kayak...that was my first kayak ride. And it was embarrasing coz my friend who helped me up saw something she wasn't supposed to see (read: i was wearing a tankini and I had to lift my legs up to get on the kayak). It was cool. Got to see a lot of corals and fish.
I forgot to mention that there was this boat who came by selling jewelry made out of pearls and cats eye. Raymund bought me a necklace and bracelet made out of white cats eye. He bought a set of black coral necklace and bracelets. He also exchanged his board shorts for a single black pearl. Haha! The person selling the pearl really liked his shirts, and they had a great deal coz those shorts were pretty cheap (read: from Penshoppe) and the pearl costs 1thou pesos. hehe.
We left at around 5pm and Raymund took the wheel of the van. We took some people home and arrived in Makati at around 11pm. We were dead tired when we got home at midnight but it was worth it. Hope we can go back.