Mikaela's Moon

i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Body ache

I just had a full body massage before going to work...I feel warm and light! I really wanna just stay at home and rest on my bed...sigh...

Last Sunday, there was a birthday party for Raymund's mom. Raymund and I went to SM North Edsa for the sale. I convinced him to buy bedsheets and pillows. We really bought a nice bedsheet, and for half the price! It's dark blue with moon and star patterns in white. Soo nice. And we had matching pillow cases...all I wanted was to stay in bed! haha! We also bought cake and a gift for his mom...

During the party, we had to leave because Raymund had band practice in a studio nearby. They're forming a new band. They temporarily call themselves "Lucid" ...Raymund has already thought up some songs for the band, which is cool because he already got him amp a few weeks ago. He's been practicing his electric guitar (he names the guitar "Eva", and calls her "baby" like he calls me) in the house. It's fun to watch him play...=) all sweaty and stuff...

I'm looking forward to my rest day. Raymund and I have a date on Sunday for Valentines, because we both have work on that day...=) I don't have a gift for him yet...i'll probably give him something that he'd be embarassed to show anyone...HAHA! That way, he'll remember me always! =)

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