Mikaela's Moon
i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park
Monday, December 27, 2004
Happy Holidays!
I spent Dec. 24 shopping with Nell first. We met up in Glorietta at around 4pm, and then we went to Market!Market!. I bought a gift for Pakko, and I bought this really cute phone accessory there. Also bought two Christmas cards for my parents.
Nell and I went to her friend's store. Their wine is so cheap! Even Baileys is cheap, they sell it for only P520. In local supermarkets, Baileys is around P700++. WOW. Bought red wine for my sup (which later on was drunk by my boyfriend and his mom). Also got Red Ribbon's Black Forest cake.
We got home around 10pm. Nell spent Christmas with us, like she did last year. She couldn't go home to her province in Iligan. Nell, Raymund and I attended mass at 11pm. Raymund was running a fever that night. Anyways, I cried during mass, especially when the children started kissing their parents. I remembered my parents and siblings at home, and how much I miss them. It has been two years since I have not spent Christmas with them. I texted them during mass, asking for forgiveness and telling them that I love them all. Raymund hugged me till the mass ended. I was embarassed that so many people saw me cry, but I couldn't control my tears. Sigh.
After going to church, we ate and exchanged gifts. I suddenly remembered I don't have a gift for Nell yet...hmm...Anyways, I got a cute bag from Nell. His mom gave us a card that said "To Mr and Mrs Raymund Paras" ... *naks*
A few minutes after we all went to bed, his sisters came: Bebz and her family, Ate Joy, Ysa, and Rolly. We gave the gifts to the kids. It was such a rowdy bunch because Melot's 3 kids were there (Crystal, Basti and Ethan), plus Bebz's kids (Yan-yan and Jade). Basti was the entertainer, making funny faces and crazy antics making us all laugh. Ate Joy gave me an orange blouse and she just gave Raymund money as gift. LOL!
At 3am, the three of us went up to sleep, leaving all of them in the living room. I was awake at 5:45am because Raymund was asking for a glass of pineapple juice to drink his medicine. He was running a fever again. I couldn't sleep after that because he was sweating like a pig and I had to keep changing his shirt. But after that he felt a little better. The three of us left for work at 7pm.
I still haven't received a gift from work. Everyone else received their gifts except me. huhuhuhu. Pakko gave me a pair of shorts. haha!
I don't feel good today. I want to sleep and rest. Raymund is on leave till the 29th. Lucky duck.
The new year is approaching, and I hope that this will be a better year. Wishful thinking.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
More shopping...
Raymund woke me up at 2pm, asking me if I want to go to SM Megamall with him. He needed to go to the bank just behind the mall and then finish up our shopping. So we quickly left. He ran to the bank and I waited for him in the mall. Unfortunately, the bank was closed when he got there. Too bad.
Went shopping for more toys for a goddaughter and nieces and nephews. I bought toys for my two brothers. I also bought socks and face powder. I also found a cute bracelet. I've bought so many things for myself this year. I guess it's ok though, because last year I didn't have work and I couldn't go shopping at all.
Raymund bought me a pair of white rubber shoes. One of the things I listed in my wishlist has become a reality! He said that's my Christmas gift. I haven't thought of a gift for him yet.
I bought a gift for Nicole. I hope she likes it. I'm going to buy another gift for her because I'm not satisfied with what I bought. hehe.
Tomorrow, I'm meeting up with Nell to go to Market!Market! in The Fort to finish my shopping. I haven't even bought a gift for her yet. Sigh. Also need to buy gifts for Wacks and Pakko, my office friends.
Stress Reliever
Slept late and woke up early. I am so tired.
Had to wake up early to get a gift for our exchange gift thing at work. Left at around 5:45pm. I was supposed to meet up with Nell at Market!Market! at The Fort, but I couldn't get a cab so I just went to Glorietta. Bought undies and brush in Penshoppe, Good Housekeeping magazine and gift bag from National Bookstore, and silver earrings from Cleo's. I got my ears pierced again, so now I have 2 holes on each ear! It hurts, but the pain is gone after a little while. The left ear was kinda swollen for an hour. But it's ok now. *smiles*
I felt great after getting new stuff and just strolling around in the mall and getting my ears pierced... Shopping is such an effective therapy for me...
Christmas is fast approaching, and things are not very good...I'm hoping though that they get better. I'm once again confused with my life. I thought I have found the right path. Now I'm not so sure... I really think I should follow my mind about leaving for a while, and be on my own. Maybe I need some space to think and reflect. My friends agree that I owe it to myself...I need to give myself a break...I need to be good to myself for a change. I need to stop following my heart too much. I'll suffer even worse....
Am I happy still? Can I endure the pain?
I'm at the warning level...it won't take long before I give up. I don't want to...but we'll see how things go...I'm not losing hope yet. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. Love indeed hurts.
Happy holidays everyone.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Wishlist stuff
Not much to post here. At work, I ate so much that I feel guilty. I can't believe that I can actually feel
GUILTY for eating too much..what the f*ck is wrong with me?
I need to exercise. I know I do, but I'm just so lazy. I have to be different next year. A lot of friends have been putting up their wishlist on their blogs...Since my customer here has put me on hold for 10 years now, I think I'll go ahead and make a list to prevent myself from going insane:
Joi's top 10 most wanted:
Tattoo - on my lower back...I'm not sure what design yet, but I'm kinda thinking of putting a Linkin Park tattoo there. Just a small one though.
Sneakers - I want a pair of pure white sneakers. I'm not sure if Converse has a pure white one, but I'm not really brand concious though. Any comfy and durable pair of sneakers is fine with me.
Cellphone - I don't just want this, I
NEED it...I want one that has camera and radio...
Promotion - As if I can buy this (duh!)...but I hope next year I can get promoted, I'm getting a little bored with my work right now. I've been in the call center business for almost 2 years...
I can't think of 6 more...I'll continue this tomorrow...
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Peoplesupport Christmas Party
I (sort of) attended the Christmas party of our company. Nicole picked me up along with Janice. We arrived in Shangri La Makati at around 7:15pm. Dinner was delicious...but I didn't get to finish my dessert because I had to go to work (which really sucks). I was an hour late for work. The desserts were yummy...little cakes that are really sinful... *sigh*
Raymund picked me up after my shift earlier this morning. He went out with friends and they finished around 4:30am so he just waited for me. I finish work at 5am anyways.
The house is still a mess. My mother-in-law has finished fixing up the living room, dining room and kitchen. They have also put up the bed for my brother-in-law. When I left this evening, they were putting up the bed in our room. I hope that after my shift later, I'll be sleeping on a real bed! *yahoo!*
My asthma is still not looking good. Yesterday, I bought 12 capsules of Ventolin on the way home. I hope my cold gets better soon. It's so hard to work like this.
Christmas is fast approaching. I still need to buy a gift for our exchange gift here in the office. Good luck to my so-called budget.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Moving out, settling in and asthma attacks...
I'm sick...I have a cold, sore throat, and asthma. I hate being sick, especially a week before Christmas...and I ALWAYS have asthma in December. It must be the cold weather.
We moved out on Thursday. We are now living in Kamias, Quezon City. Started moving stuff at 10am and finished at 10:30pm. It was very tiring, and stressful. It is now Saturday and the house is still a mess. Hope we get to set everything up before Christmas.
We live just across the street from the Holy Family Church. I can now attend mass as much as I want to. Plus, our next door neighbor sells yummy bibingka and puto bumbong.
I'm not really in the mood to post a lot of stuff here. I've been very stressed out this week. Somehow, my money for gifts disappeared. Sorry to those who won't be receiving anything from me this year.
Raymund and I attended a baptism this morning. Her name is Julia Dominique. She is the third child of my friend Kristin. The baptism was held in the St. Francis Parish and lunch was served in Cravings in Shangri-La. She was soooo cute! She's my third goddaughter...(yes all of them are girls)...We got home at 2:30pm, and I only had around 3 hours of sleep. I was planning not to go to work, but I've had too many absences already...Now I am cold, sleepy and sick... *sigh*
Monday, December 13, 2004
New skin for the New Year...
Yes, for the nth time, I changed my skin again...I think this is uh...the 5th template this year. *shrugs*
Anyways, Raymund woke me up early this afternoon. He was busy packing his stuff. I helped him, and I finished putting my stuff in boxes in 2 hours. I've only got a few stuff there. One big balik bayan box for my pants, jackets, and bags. I've only got a few shoes with me...Raymund hasn't even started with his clothes yet. He just finished putting aside the clothes that he's going to give away. *sigh* I don't know how we are going to finish packing by Wednesday, the moving out day. Raymund and I are both in the graveyard shift this week... good luck to us!
I'm pretty excited about moving out. Don't know...We were informed we will have our own room...which is great...at least we will have a little privacy...
After packing and cleaning a bit, we got ready to go to work. We left at 7pm, and it's a good thing that I wasn't late. I still have a lot of shopping to do, still haven't bought any Christmas gifts. I don't know how I'm going to budget my money with gifts this year...Not all of my friends will get something...Sorry guys! =(
Oh well, back to work...
Sunday, December 12, 2004
SYKES' Christmas Party
My rest days were very busy. On Thursday, I met up with Eva in Glorietta to buy her outfit for the party. She wanted to buy a pair of pants, and so we ended up buying slacks together. She bought black ones, and I got a pair of charcoal gray pants that I couldn't resist.
Next stop we had to buy blouses. I wanted her to look colorful, since they have a carnival theme for the party. I managed to get her to try on a sky blue tube with a scarf around the neck. And she bought it! Wahoo. Next, I bought a white tube top. We each got earrings, mine was white and hers was blue.
She had to work at 9pm, so I ended up going home around 9:10pm. Raymund came home a few minutes after I did.
Friday, I met up with Nell in Mc Donalds in Quezon Ave. We went to UP to get her Masters application form and we stopped by a hotel to meet up with her dad. Then we met up with Eva in McDonalds. We went to SM Megamall and ended up bumping into mommy Kristin in Celine. Nell bought a pair of beige boots that were on sale. I bought the black boots I've been salivating on in Le Donne.
She said she is going to be a gypsy to the party, but she is not sure that she can wear the outfit that she bought because it was too "sexy". So to be safe, we decided to get a cowgirl outfit. She bought 2 mini skirts and we ended up going to Glorietta just to look for a blouse...No luck. We got home to her condo at 10:30pm. We were both so tired and hungry. I had 2 pieces of chicken from KFC for dinner...
I slept over and the next day, I went to the office to file my leave and then headed off to Greenbelt to meet up with my cousin, Joy, and her ex-bf, Gerry. Had lunch at Kroco Grill and chatted for 3 hours. We were done at 3:30pm, and she headed off to the airport for her 5pm flight back to Cebu. She gave me a gift, a copy of Daily Bread. *smiles*
Met up with Nell at Let's Face It.
Nell = footspa
Me = manicure
Then Eva arrived while waiting for Nell to finish and then we went to the salon for make up. It was already 8pm when we got to PICC. The place was crowded. But it looked great! We were just in time for the first group of the dance competition to start. The first group was the MCI group.
Our group was next, and we moved closer to the stage. It was disappointing that the dancers were not synchronized, although the dance itself was pretty cool. Too bad. I knew that they wouldn't win the first prize, and the they managed to place 3rd. My boyfriend Raymund was very disappointed too. I knew he worked his ass off at the practices they had all week. He got really drunk! haha! The party was great. Tony Gonzaga was there, and Luke Mijares and Eric Mana. Eric was scary...He did some magic tricks on stage, and it was awesome! Plus he had a really sexy voice and sexy hands too...
After Eric's performance, a group called Art and Soul came onstage. Their songs had the whole crowd dancing even with aching feet (like mine). We left at 2am, and headed off to Odd Table in Makati. Had a few more drinks and body shots, and Raymund and I were drunk. We slept over at Nell's place again. We both left Nell's at 12. He headed off to work and I took a cab home. Slept again when I got home.
I'm still sleepy right now...but I enjoyed myself at the party... *grins* Anyways, back to work... *sigh*
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Christmas Bonus
Finally, our 13th month pay came in. I can now finalize my list for my Christmas shopping. Raymund and I already made a list of gifts that we will share with, and those that will be individual. I've asked him to make a wishlist so that I can decide on what gift to give him.
He was absent today. He wasn't feeling well from days of lack of sleep, and endlessly practicing their dance routine. I know for sure that they will win. They hired a choreographer and they've been practicing everyday for days now. Anyways, he woke me up at 4:30pm and asked me to buy him dinner at Tokyo Tokyo (where else) because I received a performance incentive. So we went to SM North Edsa, ate, and shopped a little. He bought 2 shirts for his dance thing, and I bought a comb and some scrunchies for my hair.
I'm into pink nowadays. I don't know why. I want everything to be pink...from my blouse to my ponytail to my earrings...I want to buy everything in pink. Even my desktop at work is pink. It's one of those crazy phases I have...
I'm planning to meet up with Eva tomorrow to shop...I'm going to buy a pair of black boots that I saw in Le Donne in SM. *sigh* The heavenly feel of shopping...
I tried to make a wishlist, but I've only listed a few of the things that I want...
1. Starbucks mug
2. VMV Loose Powder
3. White sneakers
4. New cellphone (preferably with camera, radio, and colored...hehe!)
5. All of Anne Rice's books
6. Colored TV with DVD player (hehehe)
...and thats's what I have so far... *grins* I noticed that as my list grew longer, the stuff I want gets more and more expensive...hehehe...
It's my rest day after this shift! Yehey! Shopping time!
Monday, December 06, 2004
Performance bonus...
My supervisor just handed me a slip saying I was given P900 as performance incentive. WOW! This is the first time I received an incentive, and it feels good! Extra money for shopping!
Hope our 13th month pay will come in later tonight...I'm planning to go shopping with Nell in Divisoria this Friday. She needs to buy a costume for their company's Christmas Party...and she wants me to tag along so I'll be needing a dress as well...They have a carnival theme this year, and Nell said she's going as a gypsy...
Raymund has been busy this week practicing their dance for the Christmas Party...It's a good thing we already picked out a shirt so he won't have too much shopping to go...
He's planning to go to Mike Strange's performance tom night. Too bad I have work...I'd love to watch him play a song for me again... *sigh*
Things are pretty slow here at work...I've got shopping on my mind again...Christmas shopping...I'm trying to practice saying goodbye to my upcoming salary...haha!
Anyways, I'm pretty lazy right now. Not much updates...ciao for now...
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Mike Strange...
I went on half day last Tuesday. Raymund and I went to Kel's Bar in Malate to watch Mike Strange perform...It was great...He dedicated a song to me....*sighs* Aside from that, he also went up to our table and I got to exchange a few words...
Ok so I'm exagerrating...he went up to our table because Raymund is his friend...duh...can't a girl be a groupie around here?!
Anyways, I got drunk...and I mean, REALLY drunk. I consumed 3 bottles of Colt Ice, and puked three times. The cab had to pull over twice because of me...and I was dead on arrival when we got home...I didn't even get to change my clothes... *grins sheepishly* I haven't been THAT drunk for a long time...I even smoked, and I knew Raymund was pretty shocked that I know how...hehehe...
Anyways, just wanted to share another meeting with THE Mike Strange... *wow*
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Emotions, movies and Christmas parties
It hasn't been a good week for me, emotionally...I guess you guys noticed from the previous posts that I've been only posting songs that are kinda sad...I was sad, and I guess I am still sad...
Lot of things are going on...I'm still confused and I don't know what to do. A part of me says I should leave...although I know the consequences of that...Another part of me wants me to stay and be patient...but how long will I wait?
I've been told that things will get better...I've been assured that things will change for the better...I hope so...
I cannot bear the thought of life without this...
Thursday morning, Wacks and I went to Nicole's house. She cooked us breakfast, and then showed me how to cook spaghetti. Brought it back to our house so Raymund could taste it, and he loved it. He wants me to cook
spaghetti for Christmas and his birthday...
Then we went to
SM North Edsa where we bought Pakko's wedding gift and looked around for the costume Wacks was looking for. No luck. Went home around 3pm, and I was sooo sleepy.
Congratulations to Pakko and Toks on their wedding!
Friday, Raymund asked me to pick him up after work coz he said we were going on a
"date". He wanted to watch
"National Treasure".
Nell texted me asking me to meet up with her before my
"date", so we met up in
Glorietta at around 6:30pm. Strolled around, and we each got a new blouse...haha. Then we bought chocolates and sweets...Yum...and I had a huge dinner at
Jollibee...I missed their
mais con yelo so much!!!
Met up with Raymund at 10:15pm and then we headed off to Glorietta to watch the movie. We were a little late because he had to buy food at
Wendy's first.
HAHA! The movie was great...and it was great to watch a movie together...the last one we saw was
The Incredibles in
SM Baguio...
We slept over at Nell's condo coz he had dance practice at 7am Sat morning. They're gonna perform on the upcoming company Xmas party. I went home when he headed off to the office, and we didnt see each other coz he got home late from
SM Megamall. He called me up when he got home, and I was just starting work here in the office.
Nobody's here at work...so good luck to me...There's only me and Arwin right now on the floor...Hope nobody calls...hehehe.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Water Runs Dry...
by Boyz II Men
We don't even talk anymore
And we don't even know what we argue about
Don't even say I love you no more
Cause sayin' how we feel is no longer allowed
Some people will work things out
And some just don't know how to change
Let's don't wait till the water runs dry
We might watch our whole lives pass us by
Let's don't wait till the water runs dry
We'll make the biggest mistake of our lives
Don't do it baby
Now they can see the tears in our eyes
But we deny the pain that lies deep in our hearts
Well maybe that's a pain we can't hide
Cause everybody knows that we're both torn apart
Why do we hurt each other
Why do we push love away
Let's don't wait till the water runs dry
We might watch our whole lives pass us by
Let's don't wait till the water runs dry
We'll make the biggest mistake of our lives
Don't do it baby
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