Mikaela's Moon

i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park

Friday, November 19, 2004


On the 3rd day...

My third day in morning shift...u guys notice I'm actually counting down the days that I'll be back in the graveyard shift? Sigh...

There are only a few of us here...me, Ceej, Zoi, Lisa, Ruby and Steel...I'm trying to distract myself by reading Tolstoy's Anna Karenina online. But reading it is making me sleepy...who wouldn't? It is cold, quiet...i have a blanket around me, and a pillow...all I need is a bed and a pair of pajamas...

Kate texted me during my lunch break, saying she's in Makati and if we can have lunch together...haha! what a surprise to hear from the law student herself! Unfortunately, I already finished eating when she texted me, so she was like ok next time. I told her I'll only be in the morning shift till next Saturday, and she claims she's being pressured. LOL! MISHU KATE!

Nell and I are planning to go malling after my shift. Raymund has a basketball game with his buddies after his shift, so we won't be going home together. I was annoyed at him yesterday because he made me WALK all the way to the Ayala station of MRT from the office. I was so sweaty and tired! I wanted to snap at him but I just kept my mouth shut. I'm having one of those "i-get-irritated-at-the-little-things-you-do" fits...It must be that time of the month...I had blisters on my feet when I got home from all that walking in my sandals...sheesh.

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