Mikaela's Moon

i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Fresh from Baguio City

I'm back! Wow. For the first time in 9 months in this company, I am in the morning shift (8am-5pm). It feels kinda different because my friends are not here with me. But then, I'll only be here for 2 weeks. Feels good to sleep at night and work in the morning, like a normal person.

Raymund and I left for Baguio on Sunday morning at 4am. Although we were sleepy, we were awake the whole 5 hours. haha! Excited little kids we were! I mean, who can blame us? Raymund's last trip to Baguio was 3 years ago. This is really embarassing, but I haven't been to Baguio for 20 YEARS! Sigh.

We arrived in Baguio City at around 9am, and guess what our first stop was? EAT. We ate at the ihaw-ihaw food place near Burnham Park. Sooo yummy. After we ate, we headed off to the cathedral and we bumped into Raymund's mom, Tita Menz. Sheesh. Small world! She was totally shocked because we didn't tell her we were going to Baguio. haha!

We attended mass at the cathedral. There were so many people. I was feeling really sentimental because it was the first time that Raymund and I attended mass together, and he said that we needed to do that so that we will be blessed. Naks. How romantic indeed.

We headed off to Burnham Park to chill out. We wanted to sit down coz we were standing the whole time in church. It was so relaxing, watching the boats in the park under the crisp blue sky. We then headed off to Minesview. We took a jeep, and for the first time, it was actually HOT inside the jeep. Minesview was crowded, with people taking advantage of the long weekend.

We had our picture taken with the St. Bernard dog, Dog-las. He was sooooooo adorable! and HUGE! haha! Next, we had our pics taken with horses. We really felt like tourists! hahaha. After taking pictures in Minesview, we had our lunch there. Yum.

Next stop was the Botanical Gardens. I was a little disappointed because the park doesn't have much flowers and there were a lot of scattered garbage. Sigh. But we still managed to have some pics taken, making sure the garbage doesn't appear. Haha!

After that, we took another jeep to go to SM City Baguio. Guess what we did there? We watched a movie. Haha! We watched "The Incredibles" and it was really good. Actually, we just wanted to sit down, because we were carrying our bags as we travelled and we've been awake since 3am. We were tired. But we wanted to make the most out of the trip, so we just kept going. After the movie, Tita Menz picked us up to go the house where she is staying. She said there was a party, so she invited us so we can meet her friends there. Imagine, we had free food and beer! *grins* It was soooo cold that night, as I was sipping Raymund's beer. I have a jacket on, plus a bonnet, and I was still shivering.

At around 10pm, we decided to retire. We checked in at the Garcious Hotel Angeli in Abanao Road. We had planned on staying at the Starwood Hotel, but they were fully booked. We were asleep as soon as we got on the bed...two very tired souls...

The next morning, we were up early (5am), had breakfast at the hotel, and then headed off to go shopping. We went to the ukay-ukay, and we each bought 2 jackets. My jackets costed me 200 pesos each. haha! After that, we went back to the hotel for a nap, and we checked out at 2pm. We then went back to Burnham for a late lunch of inihaw again, this time inihaw na pusit. Then we went to the market to buy food, mainly strawberries, strawberry jam, sundot kulangot, choco flakes...and I bought a blanket for only 160 pesos! hehehe. It was tiring going around the market with our backpacks and shopping bags, so we headed off to the bus terminal at 4pm. We had to wait for 3 hours, because the buses were fully booked too. We got on the 7pm bus, and the trip home took 6 hours! Sigh. We got home around 1am, and we were sooo tired. Raymund had work at 6am, the poor thing. But looking at our pictures (we had them developed in Baguio), it was worth it.

The trip was great. I really enjoyed myself, and I didn't wanna go back to Manila and drag myself back to the office. Wish I could live there instead. =)

So that's our Baguio trip, our so-called honeymoon. Ciao guys!

uy! ninang ako ha! (",)
yikes! i think may topak ung tagboard.. anyhow... no ba sasabihin ko... ay! shit! inggit ako!!!! buti pa kayo.. :(

asan na pasalubong ko?

hehehe :)
hi was just wondering san yang ok na ukay ukay? my friends and i are planning to go to baguio next weekend kasi. thanks!
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