Mikaela's Moon
i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park
Friday, September 30, 2005
I'm gonna apply for a Workforce Analyst position. I've asked my sup to give me my latest performance appraisal. Deadline is Oct 4. Sigh. I just need to move on to a position that does NOT take calls. I'm getting really sick of what I do now. Pray for me.
Pinoy Big Brother
Yes, I admit. I watch the show. I may be
jologs, but I enjoy watching it.
I love:
Nene - she's cute and I think she has a kind heart. She's not pretentious, not a hypocrite like the others. I hope she wins.
Jenny - who already quit. Too bad. I liked her the best.
Sam - c'mon. Who doesn't think he was cute when he danced the Big Brother song during his exam? My panties were practically stuck to the tv. My husband had to shush me. Sigh.
Franzen and Jason - the clowns. hehehe
I hate:
Uma - he may not admit it, but he's GAY. He makes me puke.
Cass - such a crybaby! Grow up!
JB - asshole
Breakfast at Mc Donalds
My friends (Eva and Kristin) and I went to Mc Donalds for breakfast earlier this morning before going home. My hubby joined us and then went back to work till 7am.
It was great fun being with them again. Eva's birthday is coming up.
Ninang Eva! Libre naman dyan!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Pissed off
I'm irritated. At anything and everything. For no reason. Could they be right?
Could I possibly be pregnant?
Script error
Weird. When I accessed my blog, all the links gave me a script error. I had to copy the template, paste it back on Blogger, and republish. I had to do this 4 times. What's up with Blogger?
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Good luck baby
Hubby has an interview tonight with Altell. Good luck. I know you'll knock them dead. I Love you!
It's a sign
Lately, there are a lot of natural calamities around the world. There's that huge hurricane in New Orleans, the tropical storm in our country that went to Vietnam and forced 300,00o people to evacuate, etc. My husband told me while we were watching news a few days ago that all of these are signs that the end is near. End of the world? I actually had goosebumps when he said that. Could that be true? That's scary!
I asked him if he believed if everyone is here on Earth for a reason, and he said yes. I asked him if he knew what his purpose is, and know what he said?
"To be your husband".
Aww...how could I not love him?
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I forgot to mention last week (as I was too busy with my Neopet) that I met with my cousin Wrechelle in Glorietta on Tues night. Raymund stayed with me and listened to us chat during dinner. It was late when we got home. I'm glad she liked my gift.
I bumped into Mona Thurs afternoon in the Ayala MRT Station. I was shocked! We haven't seen each other for 4 years! Mona was my roommate in my dorm in college. We were roommates for 3 years. Wow. Sure glad to see her!
A vampire once again
I am back to my regular shift of 8pm-5am. It was a good thing that I was able to sleep this afternoon. Raymund and I woke up at around 9:30am, and I fell asleep on the sofa at around 11am. I went upstairs to sleep after an hour and woke up at around 3:30pm.
Raymund and I left for work together. I was late. I forgot I have training this evening, and I was late there too.
It's nice to be back in the graveyard shift coz my friends are here, with the exception of Nicole who is in her rest day. Nicole, pumasok ka na! hehe
I'm so lazy to go to work.
Raymund wants to go home to Batangas this weekend. He said he'll file for leave on Sunday. It's nice that he loves being with my family.
Friday, September 23, 2005
This is my last day in the morning shift. I've already logged out, but I'm still here, playing Neopets. Trying to save up points to build my Neohome.
Nell and I were supposed to meet up today, but she texted me to re-sched. Sigh.
I have been unable to update my blog, or do anything else, other than play with my
Neopet. That's all I can say right now.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Kasalanan ng Sale
Raymund and I bought 2 white shirts in DMs yesterday. They were 50% off, and we just couldn't resist. Sigh.
Busy week
Yesterday, Nicole and I were supposed to buy the Nina concert tickets. Unfortunately, something came up and it looks like our budget won't push thru. Gwen arrived just as I was about to leave the office, and I told her the bad news.
Later on today, I'll be meeting with my cousin from Cebu, Joy (yes we have the same name). She's here for a week for training for her new work, and she's leaving for Cebu tomorrow morning.
On Friday, I'll be meeting with Nell, for a serious one on one about her love life problems.
Wow, this is one busy week for my beloved friends. *grins*
Monday, September 19, 2005
Back again
Raymund and I went home to Batangas City on Friday night. I was relieved that the commute was pretty fast, and we arrived in time for dinner.
Mom was busy with chat. LOL...my brothers were the same, if not fatter than before.
We looked at our wedding album, and it was nice. The video was funny though. Hahaha! Raymund and I look ridiculous as we tried to be serious in church during mass. We couldn't hide our smiles.
Friday, September 16, 2005
My Band Name
Your Band Name is: |
 The Plastic Leprechauns |
My French name sucks
Your French Name is: |
 Voletta Page |
You Are 70% Weird |
 You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right? But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! |
Going home
Raymund and I will be going home to my hometown after my shift ends at 4pm. Hopefully, the roads are not flooded, and I really really hope our travel does not exceed 4hours.
I am so tired. I have 32 calls in a matter of 4 hours.
This is what I call super stress.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
A new look
Hail to the guardians of the South Tower!
Tee hee...
I've changed my blog's look because I managed to screw up my old one. Perhaps it was a sign that I needed to change the skin. Hehe.
I love this new one. Just in time for Halloween too. Haha. Joke!
Anyways, I've also changed my blog address, so update ur links! =)
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Please bear with me, I'm currently changing my blog skin, and it's harder than I thought. Hehe..Please check back soon!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Chef Mah-ree Joi
For all my friends out there who know me soo well, yes don't be shocked, I cooked.
I cooked pork sinigang on Saturday night, and chicken tinola on Sunday noon. And get ready for this: I did not burn the house down, and they tasted really good! ASk my husband.
This is the new me. The wife who now knows how to cook 2 dishes. What an accomplishment. (I'm being sarcastic). But I'm proud of myself! Thanks Mommy Nicole for the love and support...HAHAHAH! Joke.
Morning Shift
YES! I am normal! I sleep at night and go to work when the sun is up! I temporarily resigned from being a vampire. Yes, yes, I am human again.
Don't get too choked up, this is just for 2 weeks dude. Get a life.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
That's what I probably look like today. For some reason, I am angry. My temper is short. I get angry easily. I don't have patience with stupid customers with stupid minds. And I hate interruptions when I'm talking! Let me talk dammit!
I hate the person sitting next to me at work. He cheats his way with getting calls. He toggles the Avail and After Call buttons so that he'll be transferred to the end of the line. And he looks at my status on my phone so he can cheat some more.
What I want
Work sucks. So to make myself feel better, I made this list. Pathetic I know.
I wanna stay home, sleep, watch tv, catch up on my reading, watch movies, listen to my favorite music, write stories...
I want to go on a European tour. I wanna go to Greece, UK, Italy, France, Spain, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Portugal...
I want to buy an iPod and a Sony Ericsson K750i.
I want to buy a laptop.
I want to go on a shopping spree.
I want to have a baby. =)
I want to go on a honeymoon.
I wanna learn how to swim.
I want to buy a house.
I want to learn how to drive and how to cook.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Weekend Blast
Last Friday, I was absent. My dear husband didn't want me to go work. He claims I look pale from lack of sleep. I was already awake at 12 noon. It was too hot to sleep again. Sigh.
He has been going home early from work now that he's in morning shift, so we have time to talk to each other everyday for a few hours before I go back to work.
On Saturday, we met up in Robinsons Galleria after his shift at around 4pm for our weekend "date". We went window shopping and then we watched "The Great Raid". Sad sad movie. After that, I bought a gift for PJ. Bought toiletries. We got home at around 10pm. We didn't relize it was so late! We stopped by Chowking before we headed home.
On Sunday, Nicole picked me up at 10:30am and then we met up with Wacks and Ces in Glorietta 4. We went to the Sacred Heart Parish in Makati and then headed back to Glorietta. Wacks paid for our lunch in Heaven and Eggs. We were sooo full! I didn't eat dinner, I was too full. I just slept when I got home. I got home around 6pm, and my hubby just stayed home. He was supposed to go to a basketball game, but he got lazy. hehe. We had a little talk before going to bed. Felt good! I slept early that night, my headache was killing me. He was trying to fool around with my face when he climbed into bed, trying to wake me up. LOL...He is crazy! I wanted to slap him for trying to wake me up.
Earlier today, I woke up at 10:30am. Wow, I slept for 13 hours!
We went to Gateway in Cubao at around 3pm. We went to PLDT to apply for a landline. After that, we just went window shopping.
There is a party held by his company tonight in Pasay. I asked him not to go...bec he has work tomorrow morning. Suprisingly, he didn't go..."because you don't want me to"...This is the FIRST time he has decided NOT to go to a party because I asked him not to. Wow. This made my day. Really.
Baby, thanks and I love you.
Friday, September 02, 2005
I'm sexy
People keep telling me today that I'm sexy. It's hard for me to say thank you, because I dont think I am. I have this HUGE belly and these HUGE thighs...I mean it! Today I'm wearing a spaghetti-strap green knit blouse given to me by my sister in law...She got this from Baguio. I don't know what it is, but they say it and I don't believe it.
It dawned on me that it's not my huge belly that they see, or my huge arms or thighs...but they see ME...me, the sexy chick who looks confident and looks....well SEXY. I guess being sexy is not just the way ur body looks, but at the way you project yourself.
Wow, now I DO feel that I'm sexy.
walang kokontra, blog ko to!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Almost there
My rest day is coming up! It's almost Saturday! yahoo...
On Sunday, we'll be going to Sacred Heart. Pakko's son, PJ, will be baptised! I'm so excited to see his son again. Pj is soooo cute!
Stomach ache
Don't worry
To my broken hearted friend,
I know how it feels. You feel alone. You wanna just cry and indulge yourself in self pity. I know it's bullshit when people tell you "It's ok", because it's NOT ok. But hey, I'm here to shut up if you want me to, I'll just listen to your silence. I know how it feels, hell you know I've been there before, so many times.
You already this: you will get over this. You just need to accept the fact that life goes on, and yes you will be ok. You are not ok now, but you will be ok. Remember that there is someone out there for you, and if that ex is not the right one, then move on. There is a reason for everything.
Your friends are here for you. I am here for you. Holler me anytime.
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