Mikaela's Moon
i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park
Thursday, April 28, 2005
You Will Die at Age 79 |
You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...
And how you'll die as well. |
Your Japanese Name Is... |

Iva Saito
RefreshedRaymund and I went home early yesterday. We had dinner at our usual place,
Tokyo Tokyo..yum! We were asleep before 8pm...and woke up at 4:30 am...Now THAT'S what I call sleep...*grins*
He is on leave tomorrow...and I feel like playing hooky at work too...hehehe...so I can accompany him to get our wedding invitations ordered...
Tomorrow is my last day in the morning shift...*sniffs*
Raymund will be on B shift for the whole month of May...1pm-10pm...sigh...lucky duck...
Monday, April 25, 2005
Wedding stressLast Saturday, I went home to Batangas with my
Maid of Honor, Nell. We went to my gown designer and they measured me up. I've decided to have my bridesmais' gowns made there too, because its cheaper and I'm more confident with the person making them. Nell and I has also made a decision on the styles of the gowns.
We went back to Manila in the afternoon because Nell has work on Sunday at 5am. Arrived at around 9pm. Raymund arrived at 10pm from movie with friends.
Sunday was the only day I has rest...Woke up late, took a bath and slept again. Raymund woke me up to have lunch with him. It seems his brother's girlfriend won't be staying long enough to attend the wedding, and be my bridesmaid. Sigh. Change of plans.
Still have so many things to do. This Friday, Raymund filed for leave so he can take care of the invitations. Saturday, my mom will be picking out the cloth with me and my bridesmaids for their gowns. Sunday, hopefully I can get some rest because I'll be back in the graveyard shift next Monday...
Stress stress stress
Friday, April 22, 2005
Web Hosting people!Here are pics of my colleagues during our team dinner in
Grilla last April 17. We went to
Music Match after dinner for videoke.(leaving our supervisors and managers to pay for the bill...hehehe)

Joe, Sybil, me and Nicole (with her mouth open coz she was talking)

This is supposed to be a pic for Batch 3, but Batch 1 peeps were inserted..hehe..Joe, Sybil, Wacks, and Pakko - the batch 3 peeps...me and Cha from Batch 1

Wacks and Pakko

The The gang in Music Match in Tomas Morato, Quezon City
Thursday, April 21, 2005
I do, reallyI called in sick yesterday. I had the flu.
Raymund's gig in
Mayricks turned out ok. It was late when the bands started playing, so Dominion's set started at 12:30am and ended an hour later. It's always cool to listen to their songs. Even though I was sick, I enjoyed myself.
Advantages of being a girlfriend of a band member:
1. Free passes to gigs
2. Free food (actually, it's the band food that I eat...hehehe)
3. I have reasons to be absent from work...harharhar!
We were able to get our marriage license yesterday. Sigh. It looks like this wedding is really gonna happen! I can't really explain what I'm feeling right now...Excited, scared, anxious, nervous, happy...My stomach was in knots.
After getting the license, we went to
Recto to look for invitations and souvenirs. We found a design we liked for the invitation, and we also found a cute souvenir. I'm not gonna tell u guys, it's a surprise! hehe...
We also went to
Ongpin to look for wedding rings. My finger is too small, we have to have our rings custom made. Sigh. We were able to decide on a design we wanted, costing at around P6,500 for one pair. That already includes engraving our names...I felt like I was just dreaming while we were trying on some rings. I looked at the man beside me, and I just can't believe I'm getting married. Hello? Earth to Joi, wake up to reality! Sigh. I love that guy.
He was goofing around while we were walking on the way to the LRT station. He was pretending that we were fighting and he was shouting "Get away from me! Don't touch me! Stop following me around!"...People started staring at us and I laughed hysterically. Hehehe. Stupid ass. But I loved it.
We went to
Cubao after going to Ongpin, and we had our usual meal in our usual place, Tokyo Tokyo. Our plates looked like it got hit by a tornado, all clean! haha! We were dead tired and dead hungry and it was soooooo hot the whole time. Bought some stuff in SM Cubao and headed home. Rested for a while, and then I did the laundry. We watched
"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" on his pc. We didn't get to finish it though, coz the DVD won't play properly.
I've told some of our friends about the marriage license and they were all so excited for us. I'm excited too, and again I'm gonna repeat myself, I cannot believe I'm getting married. I cannot believe this is really going to happen!
Eva, my bridesmaid, please don't cry yet! Love you friend!
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Morning shiftI'm on my second day in morning shift. Yesterday, Raymund and I went to Cubao. He was looking for something for his guitar, which unfortunately they didn't have. We had dinner in Chowking. We got home at around 6:30pm, and we were asleep before 7pm. Sigh. Finally, a good night's sleep.
Raymund and I just had lunch in Insular. Yum.
He has a gig later in
Mayricks. I'm sick right now, I can barely breathe...My nose is all stuffed up.
Our marriage license is released today. We're gonna get it tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Happy happy...Been drinking for 2 days straight.
WAHOO!On Saturday night, we (me and Raymund's siblings) went to
Gasoline Alley in
Robinsons Galleria for his gig. Pretty good. His half sister from Dagupan got drunk. Cool. After the gig, we watched School of Rock at home...talented kids!
Sunday night, Nicole picked me up to go to our team's anniversary dinner at Grilla in Rockwell, sponsored by our supervisors and managers. After the dinner, we left the supervisors and headed to Music Match in Timog for some serious
VIDEOKE! We sang and screamed and danced until our voices sounded like shit and our throats felt like they were on fire. Sadly, I had to leave early (1am) because I have work at 7am. Sigh.
Raymund was fast asleep when I got home and I wasn't able to sleep at all. He woke up at 4:30am and I rushed to go to work with him. His shift starts at 6am. We were supposed to have lunch together but he has a stomachache and is currently sleeping at his work station. The poor baby.
I am looking to 2 weeks of being in the morning shift...sleeping at night like a
NORMAL person. 2 weeks of being in the same shift as my baby!
Friday, April 15, 2005

This was taken during the
Sykes Christmas party last Dec. 2004...Found this on a friend's blog. Thanks Eva!
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Love moves in mysterious ways by Julie FordhamWho'd have thought
This is how the pieces fit?
You and I
Shouldn't even try making sense of it
I forgot
How we ever came this far
I believe we had reasons
but I don't know what they are
So blame it on my heart, oh
Love moves in mysterious ways
It's always so surprising
When love appears over the horizon
I'll love you for the rest of my days
But still, it's a mystery
How you ever came to me
Which only proves
Love moves in mysterious ways
Heaven knows
Love is just a chance we take
We make plans
But then love demands a leap of faith
So hold me close
And never let me go
'Cause even though we think we know which way the river flows
That's not the way love goes, no
Love moves in mysterious ways
It's always so surprising
When love appears over the horizon
I'll love you for the rest of my days
But still, it's a mystery
How you ever came to me
Which only proves
Love moves in mysterious ways
Like the ticking of the clock
two hearts beat as one
But I'll never understand the ways it's done
Love moves in mysterious ways
It's always so surprising
When love appears over the horizon
I'll love you for the rest of my days
But still, it's a mystery
How you ever came to me
Which only proves
Love moves in mysterious ways
Love moves in mysterious ways
* I love this song...I'm thinking of making it my wedding song...hehehe*
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
SleepI was finally able to sleep for 9 hours!...instead of the usual 3-4 hours I get after work...This is the first complete sleep I've had this year! Congrats to me!
I'm enjoying myself because I slept well...I kinda woke up when Raymund left for work at around 11:30am because he kissed me and he just shaved his beard and it tickled...hehehe...God I miss him
soooooooooooooooooooooo much!
I'll be on morning shift next week, and Raymund will be on morning shift too!
YAHOO! His shift is at 6am and mine is at 7am. We can go to work together and go home together! Fun fun fun!
He has a gig this Saturday and then on Tuesday. I'm excited about Tuesday coz we'll be getting our marriage license. Sigh.
I am kinda excited about my wedding...It's not everyday that I get to plan my wedding. It's going to be really simple but what's special is the man I'm going to share the wedding with...I can't believe it's really going to happen! After June 4, I'll be changing my name...I will be Mrs. Maree Joi Magbojos-Paras...I will be Mrs. Manuel Raymund Paras...
WOW! hehehe...
I think getting a good sleep is affecting my brain...sigh...better get back to work, I'm on my lunch break right now...hehehe
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
This and that...We were finally able to submit our application for our marriage license on April 8, and it will be released on April 19. For the meantime, we've put everything else on hold till we have the license on our hands...without it, there is no wedding...
I noticed that I like doing stuff aroung the house these days...like cooking (don't get too excited, so far all I've done is fry porkchops), cleaning our room, doing the laundry...housewife material? Doesn't sound like me at all...but maybe I'm just getting into the getting-married mode...is there such a thing?
Anyways, I enjoyed my weekend.
Raymund went home early after work on Saturday and we slept early. Sunday, we went to SM North Edsa and went shopping. When we returned to the house, we only had time to put our groceries down and we were off again. We went to Boni for his band practice. He asked me to accompany him there. After the practice, the band and I went to Tapa King for a late dinner and headed off to Mike's place. Chugged down a few beers while they were practicing again, this time acoustic style. They have a gig again on April 19.
I had a lot of fun. It was great to hang out with Raymund. We kept laughing in the mall and making fun of each other. We don't get to do that much anymore. Always busy with work, and our schedules rarely meet. Sigh.
Still making wedding preparations. I have finished our guest list...To my friends, I'm sorry I won't be able to invite all of you, as much as I want to...we are on a very tight budget...I promise to post pictures on this blog...
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Stressed out...I am stressed out
from work
from my wedding preparations
from the people at work
from my schedule at work
from lack of sleep
from sleeping during the day bec. I work at night
...so I guess it boils down to:
I DON'T WANT TO WORK ANYMOREbut I can't, coz I NEED to...life sucks.
am looking to the anniversary dinner the supervisors and managers are giving on April 17th. Sunday is my rest day, and finally the team will have time to bond outside the workplace. We will be celebrating our account's first anniversary...I suddenly missed all my batchmates who left before the 6th month...sigh
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Busy busyI won't be posting as often as I used to...I have a lot of preparation to do...My wedding date is on
June 4, and I have 2 mnths to get everything ready...talk about a rush wedding!
But it feels good. Next week, I'm going to have my bridesmaids measured up for their gowns...and I need to go home to
Batangas City to get myself measured up...hehehe....
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