Mikaela's Moon
i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park
Sunday, October 31, 2004
My Gothic Halloween
I spent my Halloween in Caliente Bar in Malate. My boyfriend and I were there to watch his band, Dominion, perform along with other rock bands. I expected the crowd and atmosphere to be gothic, but I was NOT expecting what I saw! haha! Everyone was wearing black clothes, black lipstick, black eyes, black eyeliner...But it was a great sight. I remebered my dark gothic days in high school, I always wanted to wear long black skirts and black nail polish.
I get to meet Dominion's frontman and Raymund's good friend,
Mike Strange. Now I know how it feels like to meet a ROCK STAR! haha! Mike has long wear, with black pants and shirt, silver rings on almost all his fingers, dark shades, and cool attitude. I was starstruck. I couldn't wait to hear them perform...
Dominion performed at around midnight. I was not disappointed. They were the best band to perform that night. They only sang 3 songs, but it was so great. I couldn't take my eyes off the band when they were on stage. haha! I told my boyfriend that I have a new crush now, and he actually told Mike about it! LOL! Crazy crazy night! I was an instant fan...Dominion rocks!
I am turning back to my gothic self...haha! It feels good...I guess once you're gothic, it never really leaves you...haha..but it doesn't mean that I'll be wearing black makeup everyday! It doesn't matter what you wear, I guess it's more of what's inside that counts...=)
Anyways, I was drunk on that night. We had Colt Ice and I think I drank around 4 bottles. hehe. Colt is my first love. It's the first beer I ever tasted, and I love it because it is not bitter. I don't make a face when I take a gulp. I enjoyed the beer and music and crowd so much, I realized that I was laughing a LOT and I was a little dizzy when I walk. haha! But it was great to be drunk again. I haven't been drunk in AGES! Wow...
Guys, please check out his site. He has a new solo album coming out, so watch out for it. I've heard the songs, and I really love Sad Intimacy. =)
Friday, October 29, 2004
No rest for me
It's supposed to be my rest day, but guess where I am? You got it: the office. I have to attend an 8 hour training for Saves. Oh well. I'm glad that the trainer from EarthLink is really nice and so much fun! Sigh.
Our scheds will get adjusted because of Daylight Savings Time in the US, so my sked will be 8pm to 5am now. It's ok I guess.
Friday night (I guess this is later), Raymund and I are gonna attend his friend's gig in Malate. Halloween gig I guess. Raymund's previous band,
Dominion, will be playing there. Gosh, what the heck am I gonna wear?! (eww that sounds so Reese Witherspoon!)
Training is almost over, just waiting for the time so we can all log out. The training is good, learned a lot. I enjoyed Stacy's trainign very much.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
The opposite of hate
I hate it when you say you're coming at this time, and shows up 5 hours later without any explanation.
I hate it when you still do the things that make me upset even tho I've told you that it makes me feel like shit.
I hate it when you ignore me when all I want if for you to say you're sorry and then you leave me sleepless and misreable.
I hate it when you don't do the things you said you would, because you 'changed my mind' and 'I'm too tired' or 'I'm too lazy',
I hate it when I'm having such a good day and then you say something or do something to make my day completey fucked up.
I hate it when you don't text or call unless I text or call you first.
I hate the way you make me laugh even tho I'm supposed to be angry with you.
I hate it that I can't even stay mad at you for long!
I hate it that you're all this and I'm still here.
So I guess I'm stupid or something. So sue me.
Sunday, October 24, 2004
I forgot to mention that I saw my college classmate in Greenbelt 3 when Raymund and I watched 'Cellular'. I haven't seen Olive Chai since graduation! haha! But I was really glad to see her, and she was shocked when I told her I'm getting married. haha!
Anyways, I haven't been able to update my
site. I was only able to register a
TK domain for it. But at least I made a change, even though it's so little. hehe.
I have nothing to do here. I'm thinking of making sites for my friends...Maybe I'll go and ask them. It'll give me something to do...
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Old friends, great fun
Haven't posted anything in a looong time. I did try to post one last week, but an error appeared and erased everything I wrote, so I was too pissed off to start all over again.
Thursday night, I went to the office for a scheduled training on a rest day. Fortunately, it was postponed coz the trainer was sick. I waited for Raymund at 10pm, and we headed off to Greenbelt 3 for 'Cellular'. Cool movie. Cute guy! hehehe.
Yesterday was a lot of fun. Raymund and I finally attended the last seminar needed for our marriage licsence application. We have almost completed the requirements! Yahoo!
After that, we went to Makati to meet our friends, which we call the 'SBC Pakers'. It was great because we were 99% complete. One of our friends couldn't make it, she's buried with work. We had dinner at Gerry's and we announced that Raymund and I are getting married. Then watched 'White Chicks' at Greenbelt 3. That movie totally cracked me up! MAN! That is one funny movie. I think my laughter was echoing all over Cinema 1, but I didn't care.
We then chilled out at Ebun. Had a couple of beers. The rest of them left at around 10:30pm, so there were only 4 of us left. Raymund and I left at around 12:30am, and the two left went to Temple.
It was sooo much fun to be with those guys again. We plan to go to Enchanted Kingdom probably next week, and then have an overnight stay in San Juan, Batangas (our all time fav out of town destination). I can't wait to go back to San Juan. Our friend has this uncle who has a private beach there, so we basically can do anything we want. It's-drink-till-you-puke-time!
It's back to work for me on a Saturday. Sigh. We don'y have any sups, and Tier 2 tonight. WOW. I haven't had a call yet and I already finished my first break. This is going to be a long night of surfing! Well, hopefully. =)
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Busy Friday
I had a very busy and tiring Friday. Raymund and I went to Batangas City, my hometown, to give the Parental Consent form to my mom. We arrived at 12:30 pm, just in time for lunch. It was weird to be coming home again, after 4 months. I guess I got so used to just being in Manila. I can't quite describe the feeling as the jeep stopped in front of our subdivision's entrance. Excited? Anxious? Scared? Nervous? Happy?
I was very surprised to see my uncle in our house. Tito Paul is my mom's younger brother, second to the youngest. He took care of me when I was young, because my mom was in charge of his schooling before. It appeared that he just arrived from Muntinlupa, and mom was just going to take him to the hospital. He has been having nervous attacks, and he hasn't been able to sleep and eat. They were just waiting for us to arrive and then they left to go to the hospital in Lipa City.
Raymund and I were left at home, and we watched Shrek 2 after lunch. My mom got back at around 4, and we played with my brothers for a while. My brothers are HUGE. Take this: my youngest bro Marx is 3 years old and his waist line is 25. My other bro Marven is 11 years old and his waist line is 31. WOW! I'm the only normal person among them! Sheesh.
Mom drove us to the bus terminal at around 4:15. We dropped by her friend's house, my Tita Susan. I was really glad to see her. Her family has been our friend since I was 10 years old. I introduced my future husband to her.
I am glad that my mom has told some friends that I am getting married soon. My parents have stopped hiding the truth about me, why I don't go home as often as I used to. I am also surprised that we were able to talk about some people we knew, about some relatives, some neighbors...It was like the old days. It appears that she's taking German language lessons along with her Doctorate degree. Wow. I felt proud and happy for her. I knew she always wanted to study. She has this unsatisfied hunger for knowledge. I was able to read a lot of good books because of her. I got my bookworm personality from her.
I was asleep on the bus ride home. We stopped by SM Megamall for the sale. I bought a new pair of jeans, blouse and belt. WOW! I haven't been able to buy new clothes for months...It was late when Raymund and I got home, almost midnight. Our friends from Sykes were trying to get us to go to Timog for a drinking session, but we were too tired to go. Raymund still has work at 6am. He told me I could tag along if I wanted to, but I was so tired that all I wanted was to sleep.
Anyways, bad news at work. Batch 6 and 7 were transferred to a different account. It appears that we are 'overstaffed'. What the?! The results? Queue and a lot of abandoned calls. Sigh. Oh well.
Today, there are only around 10 of us. Plus one supervisor and one Tier 2. It is so cold, as usual. It's a pain to be at work tonight, coz there's a birthday party bak in the house for my sister-in-law. Damn. I haven't been drop dead drunk for ages.
I will just try to update my site to keep myself busy...waaaaah!
Thursday, October 14, 2004
The new j-O-i Web site!
Please go to
Maree Joi's page. =)
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Bored out of my wits
I have nothing to do. I'm at work, but not much calls are coming in. It's almost my first break and I've only had one call.
I'm trying to look for sites offering free webspace. I only became interested in doing sites/blogs when I started working for EarthLink Web Hosting. It's kind of embarassing that I don't know HTML and stuff, because I'm a Computer Science graduate. Sheesh. Anyways, I tried doing sites in
Geocities but I didn't like the templates that they had. I also didn't like how my sites came out. Try checking out
http://www.geocities.com/maree_joi/homepage.html and
But, as the bored person that I am, I didn't give up. I searched in
Google for other sites with free webspace, and I am hopeful that I will find THE ONE that I am looking for. I'm gonna keep this blog though, I really like this one. *smiles*
Blogspot is easy to use and easy to maintain.
One thing I realized about signing up for subdomains for free. The subdomains that I wanna use is ALWAYS being used by someone else already. I mean, I've come up with really uncommon subdmains like mizmjishere.freewhatever.com and I get an error that it is being used by someone else. C'mon! Finally I got tired of looking for one that I just decided to finish up this post and get on with my life. Sheesh.
I didn't get to watch the Alicia Keys concert here in Manila recently, and I kinda regretted not buying a ticket. But heck, I'm not that crazy about her, not as much as Linkin Park. Wahoo! Anyways, I'll go back to my quest for the ulimtate free web space on the Web. Ciao!
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
I am 25% evil.
I try to stay away from evil deeds but succumb to temptation every once in a while. I'm not quite on my way to hell but I certainly have some explaining to do.
Are you evil? find out at Hilowitz.com
Saturday, October 09, 2004
It is soooo damn cold in this damn office on a damn weekend...My hands are starting to look blood-less...and my head is starting to hurt.
I just finished my first break...and I've only had 3 calls so far. Things are slow on a Saturday, which is normal.
Thursday afternoon, I met my boyfriend in G4 and we watched "A Shark's Tale". It was pretty funny, and I didn't mind watching the movie with a lot of kids. I really enjoyed the movie, and the shark Lenny is sooooo CUTE!
After the movie, we window shopped in SM Makati, and we saw Troy Montero doing a commercial shoot. He is thin in person, and yes he is handsome...haha! Anyways, we strolled around the houseware part and we started discussing our future home's theme (we agreed on a Japanese style theme).
I cannot believe that I spent half of Friday SLEEPING. Thursday night, we slept around 10pm, then I woke up at around 2:30am (neighbors were fighting at that freaking hour). Fell asleep around 8am and woke up at 2pm. Slept again at 3pm and woke at 5pm. Sigh...I felt like I haven't slept in 2 years! But it felt good! I really felt so lazy to go to work. And I kept thinking of my poor boyfriend who has the flu...
We had a quick dinner before my shift and before he went home...a romantic dinner at McDonald's...haha! But hey, at least we get to see each other! I miss that guy! *mwuah*
Can't think of anything else to write, so I'll just start my Saturday ritual of browsing...heheheeh! Ciao!
Monday, October 04, 2004
Goth stuff
Saturday, October 02, 2004
I am so bored and sleepy that I don't even know what I'm gonna post here...
Hmm...let's see...Thursday was my rest day. My boyfriend didn't go to work, so we went shopping. I bought him a new Adidas shirt. Got shampoos and stuff. Finally bought my 'bible', latest issue of Cosmo. *hehehe*
We watched "The Bourne Supremacy". It was pretty good. I loved Jason Bourne's phone.
Friday, we were supposed to attend the second and last seminar for our marriage liscence. Unfortunately, it was the mayor's birthday, so there was no one there to give the seminar. Bad luck! So instead of going home empty handed, we went to the mall again and had our facials. haha! Man, that session was painful! But then, it was my fault coz I haven't had one since May...I bet the girl wanted to use a shovel on my face to dig out all the blackheads and shit. I promise myself that I'll take care of my face from now on...huhuh...I don't wanna go thru that painful facial again.
It's October once again, OctoberFest!!! We planned on going to the opening, but we got too lazy so we just stayed home. It's a good thing that we did, coz it rained later in the night. Sigh. What a perfect night for sleeping! zzz...
This afternoon, I watched my honey play basketball in Dumlao. They lost by only 3 points! Damn...
Time to go home...zzzz
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