Mikaela's Moon
i will never know myself until i do this on my own - linkin park
Thursday, July 29, 2004
I've been reading friends' blogs and almost all of them have one thing in common: "Imelda" reviews.
I have heard of the movie from friends, and now I've been reading about it non stop! It's a good thing that it's my rest day tonight and on Friday. I am definitely going to watch that movie this week, hopefully tonight. I'd LOVE to see her fabulous wardrobe...
Sad to say I was not accepted to the position I applied for. That's strike 2 for me! I applied for QA Analyst, and then Tier 2, and I got busted. I can hear my friend saying "YOU SHOULD HAVE FREAKIN' ACCEPTED THE POSITION WHEN IT WAS OFFERED TO YOU!" over and over and over and over...I mean it's like an echo! sheeesh...But hey, no hard feelings. If it's not meant to be, then it's not! hehehe...It doesn't affect me that much. Just the thought that it was offered to me makes me proud they considered me for the position...
In a few more minutes, I'll be logging off! YAHOO! No more American customers screaming in my ears! God this job is TIRING! I mean, u have to listen, and then think, and then type, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. And NO, they don't pay us enough. I know call center representatives have a higher basic pay than most corporate jobs (especially on the entry level), but it is NOT enough. Working in the graveyard shift for 6 months is causing my body to slowly deteriorate. Everyone tells me I'm so skinny...sigh. I know I've written this down before, but I'm going to say it again. I NEED TO BE IN THE MORNING SHIFT!!! (how i wish my supervisor can read this...hahaha!)
Hmmm...I think I'm stressed out. Thank goodness I have officially logged out, and it is now officially my rest day...I survived another 3 days in this forsaken job...
I guess I'm in a bad mood...time to de-stress...Runescape.com here I come!
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Pigging out
I've noticed that in the last couple of days, my humongous appetite has returned. My shift starts at 9pm, and I usually have dinner before I go to work. But by 9:30pm, I'd be hungry as a horse, and I would usually ask anyone on the floor who would go on break to buy me something. I'd have my lunch at around 1:30 am with my honey and then when I'd accompany him outside the building for his smoke, I'd end up going to Ministop for dessert. Sigh. But I haven't gain weight yet, and I am still underweight. I badly need to get off this damn graveyard shift for a few months...
It's ironic that I had just applied for a position here at work that I once turned down. They offered me a position in the Strike Team, who handles supervisor calls and escalations. Being in the first batch in this account (EarthLink Web Hosting), I was in the list for the second batch of Tier 2 people. I turned it down coz I didn't feel like doing extra work with no extra pay. But after I applied for a QA Analyst position and got turned down, I realized that being a Tier 2 makes a difference. One of our new QA Analysts used to be in the Strike Team. Another Strike Team member got promoted to being a trainer. Sigh. I have not yet been interviewed for the position, but I hope that I will get accepted.
My supervisor has given me my 5th month evaluation. Although my performance stats stink, I was assured that I will be regularized. harharhar.
Not much to do here on weekends. Trying to play Runescape but my pc gets slow and it's hard to minimize the window when a call suddenly comes in. Sigh. I'm getting addicted to that freaking game. Check it out
Monday, July 19, 2004
My bad...
I got chewed out by my supervisor just now. I got a whooping zero on my QA for "professional conduct". Sigh. Apparently, I gave out the wrong answer. I admit I said the wrong thing, though I don't know why I said it. I guess I misunderstood the question. I felt really bad about it, coz I know my supervisor was very disappointed. I just helped my team's QA score to go down to 68%.
I thought this week was gonna be good, coz my first QA score was 100. Then, I got a wonderful zero. Sigh.
But then, I admitted my fault and I apologized to my sup. He's a good sup, and I understand he's just trying to handle the team well. I promised I'd do better next time. Sigh.
I felt like I was a child again, being reprimanded for failing an exam. Sigh. Speaking of family, it's my dad's 47th bday today. Happy birthday dad.
It's another cold Sunday night here in the office. It's raining outside, and the gloominess of the weather reflects how I am feeling right now. I feel really down though. All these sadness makes me really hungry.
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Somebody actually commented that I have no updates on my blog...(u know who u are!)DUH! Been busy! hehehe...actually, just lazy...and we've been getting a LOT of calls lately that I can hardly take the time to swallow my own saliva...i know that's totally gross but it's true.
Hmm...let's see...My friends (Nell and Eva) and I watched "Mean Girls" last Friday. Cool clothes. Lindsay Lohan was a BABE! God she's so sexy. I felt like I was a guy when I saw her. DAMN! But then, the leading man was oh-so-sexy too...sigh...The movie was short, so we watched it twice...harharhar!
After the movie, Eva went home and Nell treated me to dinner at Teriyaki Boy. Yum.
Planning on getting a tattoo this Friday. Still looking for a design...gonna place it on my lower back.
Can't think of anything more to add...pretty boring this week, mostly work. Gotta go, my break is almost over...ciao
Monday, July 05, 2004
I didn't go to work last night. Back hurts, and I was so damn sleepy. I think I must've slept for 13 hours last night.
This morning, I woke up at 4am and then couldn't go back to sleep. So I went to the mall, bought some bathing stuff, and went to the salon for my nails. I had only planned on having my nails done, but I ended up with a haircut and hot oil. Talk about unplanned spending!
But the results were nice. My hair was softer (everybody sing!
'sumusunod...sa galaw mo sumusunod, sa galaw mo'...) and it has more body now...nails looks nice too...they look like human nails now...sigh
Hardly have any calls tonight, it's still a holiday in the US. Good for us...
I am sooo sleepy I think I'll doze off while I'm waiting for a call to come in...sigh...i wanna go back to bed!
Sunday, July 04, 2004
totally disgusted
Yesterday, Friday July 2, I watched Spiderman 2 with my friends from my previous job. I waited for them to finish their shift at 3pm and then headed off to Greenbelt 3 for some serious movie watching session and having our long overdue reunion.
* People who have NOT watched Spiderman 2, PLEASE don't read this! *
The movie was...ok I guess. It still had that "wow" factor for the stunts, but I found myself liking the first movie though. What I liked about the second one was the part when his true identity was revealed to his best friends (including MJ) and a few people that he saved on the train. I also liked the ending when MJ chose Peter Parker over her fiance, accepting him for who he was because she loved him like hell. Now, that my dear friends, is LOVE. It's hard to accept a person for who they really are, I mean REALLY accept them, the whole package. Trust me, I've been there...hehehe...
After the movie, the whole tropa headed off to Kroko Grill for some serious bonding sessions. My good friend "N" told us this really disgusting story about her ex bf.
Last week, Sykes held its annual Global Picnic. Around 4,000 Sykes employees headed off to Subic to relax and have fun, for FREE. Her ex bf "J" was there also, along with the rest of our tropa. It was an overnight thing, so there was a lot of drinking on the night they arrived. Stashed, our friend "M" went to their designated bedroom. When she opened the door, she saw "J" in bed with one of their team mates (and she's a team manager for crying our loud). The disgusting thing about it was that they were naked, and my friend "M" almost kicked their asses off the bed (I wish she did tho).
I bet u guys are thinking, hey they're EXS already...I know that, but the thing is he still calls my friend "N" and texts her and tells her he loves her and yes, they STILL go out sometimes. It appears that the girl he slept with on that night (the team manager) said that it was my friend "N" who was chasing this guy "j"...WHAT THE..?! He's the one who keeps texting and calling my friend! And he has the BALLS to do that in our tropa's bedroom! I mean, we accepted this guy into our tropa and he even broke "N"'s heart...and then this? Why can't he pig out in another room? Did he really wanted the tropa to see them together like that?
When I heard the story, I was angry at "J" and the team manager. My friend does not deserve that. I know how she feels, I really do. I wanted to hug her and tell evrything will be alright, but the truth is she won't be for a while. She is hurt, and will be till the wound heals.
I know I shouldn;t be putting stories like this on a blog, but hey I just want to share this story because it really affected me. Sigh.
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